Food & Drink Infographics

Your Guide to Eating Etiquette Abroad

Your Guide to Eating Etiquette Abroad

When going abroad you want to be sure you soak up the whole culture of that country. What is a better way to do that than through local food? In this interesting infographic, you will get excellent guide to eating etiquette abroad.

Greek Yogurt Substitute Diet Plan

Want to lose some weight or start eating more healthy? Using Greek yogurt in your cooking is a great way to start! Why? Because Greek yogurt can be used as a substitute for lots of ingredients we use on a daily basis. And because of the nutritional benefits of Greek yogurt, you’ll be cutting on calories hard while at the same time boosting your protein intake.

How to Load a Dishwasher-Safe Holiday Dinner Meal

Did you know that you can actually cook in your dishwasher? It is the often overlooked workhorse of the kitchen. If you are strapped for oven and stove top space this holiday season, these dishwasher-safe holiday dinner meals are for you. has a few recipe ideas in the following infographic.

Celebrate a Low Carb Christmas

Celebrate a Low Carb Christmas

Following a low carb diet plan over Christmas might make you feel like you are missing out on all the festivities, so Atkins have put together a diet plan to help you stick to your weight loss goals over the Christmas period.

Holiday Dinner: What’s Your Budget?

Whether you’re on a beer budget or a champagne one, the folks at are sharing tips and tricks for enjoying the holiday season in style. They have got you covered from appetizers and cocktails to decorating the perfect table setting. So read along for your go-to guide on festive food celebrations.

9 Household Uses for Beer Leftovers

9 Household Uses for Beer Leftovers

You don’t have to pour leftover beer down the drain. Did you know that it can be useful tool in your household? In this helpful infographic, you will learn great ways of utilizing leftover beer.

Everything Alcohol – the Entire Holiday Meal

Whether you are inviting extended family into your home or throwing a Friendsgiving dinner party, taking on the responsibility for a holiday meal can be daunting. has the solution for your holiday dinner anxiety – alcohol! No, they are not encouraging you to drink your holiday stress away. Put the alcohol in the food.

How to Make Fresh Food Last Longer

How to Make Fresh Food Last Longer

When you find great deal on produce in the store, you can’t resist buying some extra food. Unfortunately, this may cause you to end up throwing away a lot of food. Find out some great advices about making your fresh food last longer in this interesting infographic.