Health Infographics
Stroke Risk Factors and Prevention
The not-for-profit organization The Live-in Care Hub has researched data about strokes and how they impacts people’s lives. High blood pressure is the leading cause of stroke, contributing to 54% of all strokes, but lifestyle changes can significantly reduce the risk of having a stroke.
The Best and Worst U.S. States for People With Disabilities
People with disabilities must consider a unique set of factors when choosing a new state to move to. The team at AAA State of Play tried to make the decision easier with a series of graphics taking a range of factors into account, allowing them to rank every state on how disability-friendly it is.
Healthcare Innovation in Prior Authorization Process Automation
The future of repeated prior authorization denials is hopefully a thing of the past soon enough. Learn how prior authorization process automation is changing the game in the following infographic, courtesy of Orbit Healthcare.
What Causes an Egg Allergy to Develop?
Egg allergies occur when the immune system mistakenly identifies egg proteins as harmful, triggering symptoms like hives, stomach pain, or respiratory issues. While common in young children, egg allergies can affect anyone, with reactions ranging from mild to life-threatening.
25 U.S. Hospitals With the Most Emergency Room Visits Per Hour
ER patient numbers can strain the resources of the hospital staff. It’s a problem if an ER habitually has a high volume of patients. Here is a map created by the team at NY Requirements that highlights the ERs with the highest volumes of patients.
Heroin Addiction & Its Dangers: What You Need to Know & Treatment Options
Heroin, a highly addictive opioid drug, has plagued societies for over a century. Derived from morphine, a natural substance extracted from opium poppies, heroin has a long and destructive history. Its potent effects and accessibility have contributed to widespread addiction and overdose deaths. This infographic delves into the origins of heroin, its rise in popularity, and the alarming statistics surrounding its use in the U.S.
Meditation and Yoga for Rehab: Ancient Practices, Modern Applications
Meditation and yoga, often associated with esoteric practices, are ancient techniques that have been used for centuries to enhance physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Originating in Eastern cultures, these practices have gradually gained acceptance in Western society and are now recognized as effective therapeutic tools.
Recommended Vaccine Schedule From Birth to Retirement
The CDC recommend a round of 12 vaccinations for every child. These vaccinations prevent children from succumbing to deadly disease and help eliminate the disease once and for all. While your doctor or pediatrician can let you know when vaccinations are due, you can stay on top of the schedule and ensure no mistakes with this graphic.
Dehydration in Nursing Homes
Nursing homes often face a dehydration issue that cannot be solved simply by drinking more water. Dehydration can lead to various health problems, creating a significant need for improved hydration. Learn more about how to fix the problem with dehydration in nursing homes and how to fix it with IV therapy in the following infographic.
Colorado’s Mental Health Crisis By The Numbers
The numbers are staggering: more than a quarter of a million Coloradans report serious thoughts of suicide, and the state ranks near the bottom for its prevalence of mental illness. What’s driving this crisis? And more importantly, what can be done to reverse the trend? This infographic explains some of the contributors to Colorado’s worsening mental health crisis.
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