Health Infographics

Benefits of Basic Beauty Regiments

Grandmother wasn’t far off when she recognized the importance of basic beauty maintenance. While the propellants of certain beauty regiments are generally based around aesthetics, there are quite a number of health benefits to a person’s morning “beauty” ritual. takes a look at some of the old-school beauty secrets that also assist in healthy up-keeping.

Ignoring Heart Disease Won’t Lower Your Risk

Ignoring Heart Disease Won’t Lower Your Risk

Heart Disease is the number one cause of death in America. Each day an average of 2,200 people die from heart disease, while 56% of adults have been told by a health care professional to improve their health to lower their risk. Unfortunately, the vast majority of Americans are just not motivated to do anything about it. When the statistics show that 1 in 3 deaths in the United States are caused by heart disease, you have no other choice then to take this disease seriously before it is too late.

Robert Griffin III’s Knee Injury

On Jan. 6, millions of NFL fans saw one of the most-talked-about – and most-cringe-worthy – knee injuries in sports history. During a 2013 wild-card playoff game against the Seattle Seahawks, rookie Washington Redskins quarterback Robert Griffin III fell to the turf after twisting his right knee. Diagnosis: Serious damage to Griffin’s anterior cruciate ligament (ACL), lateral collateral ligament (LCL) and medial meniscus.

Plastic Surgery Disasters: It Could Happen To You

Plastic Surgery Disasters: It Could Happen To You

Many of us will consider cosmetic surgery at some time to change or improve our appearance, but sometimes it goes wrong. Newspapers are full of ‘before’ and ‘after’ photos of people who have spent thousands trying to hold back time and failed. The following infographic from lists some of the side effects that might make you think twice before parting with your hard-earned cash.

America’s Cancer Clusters

Where you live and using certain household items could put you at a higher risk for cancer. This infographic highlights America’s cancer hotspots as well as household items that may cause cancer. Check it out below to learn more.

Red Tape is Suffocating Our Children

Health and safety is intended to protect us and our loved ones from the dangers of day to day life. But, more and more we see health and safety regulations being interpreted all too literally. Issues arise because of these foolish “word of the law” interpretations.

Catheter Creatures

Approximately 48% of all intensive care unit patients have catheters at some point during their hospital stay in the United States. However, central lines, like any venous catheter, disrupt the integrity of the skin, which can cause deadly bloodstream infections. Studies show that 90% of catheter-related bloodstream infections occur with central lines. That’s why proper catheter insertion and maintenance is so important. Our curos disinfecting port protectors help with infection control in hospitals.

Understanding Prostate Cancer and Today’s Top Treatment Options

Have you heard of CyberKnife? This noninvasive cancer treatment option utilizes lasers to treat cancerous tissues and give the body the support it needs. Not only is this treatment safe, but it also results in a 93% disease-free survival rate after 5 years.

History of Nursing

History of Nursing

Loyola’s School of Nursing has always remained at the forefront of nursing education, and is constantly striving to stay current with the latest medical innovations and techniques. But where did nursing itself begin? Discover nursing’s history in this infographic simply entitled “History of Nursing.”

A Look at Lower Back Pain: Commonality, Causes, Conditions, and Care

The common cold may be the most common reason for doctor visits, but back pain comes in at a close second. If you are one of those that is tired of dealing with chronic back pain, then you might consider orthopedic surgery as an option. Learn more in the following infographic.

David Wallace

David Wallace is a search & social media marketer who lives in Ahwatukee Arizona with his lovely wife. Interests & hobbies include all things Disney, roller coasters, musicianship and Christianity.