Health Infographics

The Anatomy of A New Fitness Routine

Getting in shape can be easier said than done. Many start a new fitness routine with the best of intentions, only to have their efforts dwindle when obstacles and excuses get in the way. This infographic provides valuable exercise tips and advice to help you establish a successful and long-lasting exercise routine.

America’s Health Care Diagnosis

With the introduction of Obamacare, America’s health care system has become more complex. This infographic takes a look at some of the details surrounding the controversial change in health care policies, while poking fun at the public’s increasing disinterest in the topic.

Making Patient Experience a Priority

“Patient experience” may be the latest buzzword in the healthcare industry, but few organizations really understand what it is and how to improve it. The following infographic published by Beryl Health explains why patient experience should be more than just a buzzword and why “closing the loop” is more important than ever.

Getting Into the Spirits: Drinkers Live Longer

Those who indulge in alcohol, even the biggest winos, live longer than people who don’t drink at all, and moderate drinkers live the longest. But why? This infographic looks at some interesting trends to discover why drinkers tend to live longer. Also see which demographics and US states drink the smartest.

I Need to Get a WHAT!?

Colorectal cancer is one of the most commonly diagnosed cancers in the United States. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, removing precancerous growths found during a colonoscopy can cut the risk of dying from colon cancer in half. Less than half of adults over the age of 50 have been screened, mainly because they are afraid of the test.

The Scenic Route to a Longer Life

There are certain widely accepted paths to good health and a longer life. But if quitting smoking, eating a balanced diet, and maintaining a healthy weight aren’t your thing, what’s an aspiring centenarian to do?The following infographic from provides some additional options to help maintain a long life.

Raw Milk vs. Pasteurized Milk

In support of the raw milk community and the education of dairy consumers, Natural News has published an infographic about organic raw (fresh) milk versus conventional (pasteurized) milk. This infographic reveals the crucial differences between the nutritional properties, animal compassion and health implications of raw milk versus pasteurized milk.

Health Headaches: Why Do We Avoid Our Doctors

Health – or the absence of it – is one of America’s primary concerns. However, as obsessed as we are with our health, we often fare poorly when it comes to maintaining it. We avoid sharing personal problems with our primary care providers and sometimes even neglect going to the doctor at all. Why aren’t we taking care of ourselves and even more importantly, how can this be fixed?

How to Live Better & Longer

This infographic from Lifewellness Institute covers lifestyle changes that will help you stay healthy, fit and prevent the top three causes of death in America. So whether you plan to include superfoods in your meals, exercise to maintain a healthy weight, balance your stress in order to stay productive, or even set SMART goals to achieve goals, gain et some inspiration and guidance on how to keep your resolutions and stay healthy in 2012.

How Safe is Pepper Spray

Pepper spray is commonly used by the police to disperse crowds or deal with unruly suspects, but realistically, how safe is pepper spray? This infographic takes a look at what peppers pepper sprays are made of, how they work, and how they can cause fatal or permanent eye damage to people.