Health Infographics

No Flu For You! 6 Ways To Avoid Getting Sick

Have you been sick with the flu lately? How about a common cold of irritating cough? Did you know that you can significantly lessen your chances of getting sick by following 6 easy steps? This infographic will show you how.

Carbs Are Killing You: Eating Fat Doesn’t Make You Fat

Fat’s got a bad rap. We’ve heard that curbing our consumption of fatty foods will help you lose weight. We’ve reduced our fat intake, but obesity is still thriving. So what gives? The answer: It’s not fat’s fault. Instead, diets rich in carbohydrates have been secretly storing fat, slowly growing our waistlines and our obesity epidemic. Don’t believe it? This infographic shows how it happens.

Asbestos Kills American Workers

Did you know that 733,000 office buildings in the United States still contain asbestos materials? Or that 155,000 mechanics and automotive garage workers are potentially exposed to asbestos materials? Asbestos is one of the main causes of mesothelioma cancer. It is deadly. Life expectancy is an average of 8-11 months after diagnose. This infographic lays out some of the facts on the danger of asbestos and mesothelioma.

Cell Phone Radiation Facts

Did you know that about 50% of the radiation omitted from a cell phone can be absorbed into the body? Learn this and other interesting facts in this infographic found on BuzzFeed.

Headaches: Everything You Need To Know

Let’s face facts: a headache can stop you dead in your tracks. It can keep you from doing the things that you love. This infographic from The Mount Sinai Hospital provides information about the various type of headaches one can get and 8 easy remedies to help stop one and keep you going.

Let’s Get Physical: America’s Resolution to Stay Fit

With the refrigerator finally free of leftovers from the holiday, many Americans make the dreaded resolution to shed those pesky pounds they gained over the holidays. Vowing to be in better shape than the year before, some adults swear their fitness oaths loud and clear at local gyms. But what about those that don’t plan to get a new gym membership or renew an existing one? And how many actually stick to this popular resolution?

How to Make a Cancer-Fighting Salad

I hate cancer. It has taken more loved ones than I care to mention. Want to help your body fight this terrible disease? The foods you put in your salad can help. Use this handy infographic published by MD Anderson Cancer Center to build a cancer-fighting salad.

Drug Abuse and Your Body: Exposed

Drugs, whether prescribed, over-the-counter or illegal, impact every organ in the body. In this easy to read infographic, the impact of the most commonly abused drugs on the body’s organs and its systems is demonstrated.

The High Cost of Smoking

This infographic published provides some eye-opening facts on the high cost of smoking and the ill effects on one’s health.

Smoking Facts and Statistics

This infographic from Health Watch Center depicts some astounding facts and statistics on smoking. Stats reflect smoking by both adult and teenagers and also includes data on deaths caused by tobacco usage.

David Wallace

David Wallace is a search & social media marketer who lives in Ahwatukee Arizona with his lovely wife. Interests & hobbies include all things Disney, roller coasters, musicianship and Christianity.