Health Infographics

Eat Plants, Feel Whole: The Plant-Based Diet

Eat Plants, Feel Whole: The Plant-Based Diet

Nearly 1 in 3 eat plant-based protein on a daily basis, and 43 million Americans regularly eat plant-based alternatives. However, 86% of Americans routinely eating plant-based protein don’t identify as vegan or vegetarian. This infographic provides the health weight loss benefits of a plant-based diet.

Health Benefits of Cold Water Swimming

Health Benefits of Cold Water Swimming

Swimming is a healthy exercise to engage in on a daily basis. This infographic explores 10 benefits of cold water swimming for you to consider for your healthy lifestyle.

6 Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise Regularly

6 Ways to Stay Motivated to Exercise Regularly

Setting a fitness goal isn’t a tough task but maintaining the consistency is. Every day you need the motivation to hit the gym and achieve your daily/weekly goal. Here are some of the best strategies which you can implement to motivate yourself to exercise regularly, all compiled into an infographic by Fit.

Top 5 Hacks to Manage Your Assisted Living Community

Top 5 Hacks to Manage Your Assisted Living Community

As demands in 21st-century senior living challenge us to transform our care delivery models, senior living communities must walk a fine line between required vigilance and resident independence. In this Infographic, Genexod Technologies discusses 5 important hacks that every senior care provider should know to improve the process of managing their assisted living community.

The Benefits of a High-Fiber Diet

The Benefits of a High-Fiber Diet

What’s the big deal about fiber? Why is it so good for us? The truth is, fiber might be the most exciting health topic on the planet. Why? Because it has more potential to boost your health than practically anything else. In the following infographic, One Ingredient Chef details ten proven health benefits of fiber. 

25 Common Medications: The Same Drug, Different Names

25 Common Medications: The Same Drug, Different Names

Did you know that depending on where you live, the medication you take could go by a number of other names? In fact, many of the top-selling drugs in Canadian pharmacies for example can be found with an entirely different name. But why does this happen?

How Does CBD Help With Pain, Anxiety and Depression

How Does CBD Help With Pain, Anxiety and Depression

According to research, many CBD users reported using CBD to treat a medical condition. The most common treatment conditions are pain, anxiety and stress. CBD oil may offer a range of benefits and directly affects the Endocannabinoid system which helps to regulate appetite, digestion, mood, Inflammation and memory. In the following infographic, look at how CBD helps with pain, anxiety and depression.

The Keto Lifestyle

The Keto Lifestyle

To maintain a Keto lifestyle, you should work with a nutritional support coach and make consistent exercise a priority, and it is essential to listen to your body and adjust as you go. Check out the following infographic from Working Against Gravity to learn about the Keto lifestyle and how to make it work for you.

Ulcerative Colitis: Find Relief for Your Symptoms

Ulcerative Colitis: Find Relief for Your Symptoms

Ulcerative colitis is a chronic inflammatory bowel disease that is characterized by inflammation and ulceration of the lining of the large intestine. This Ulcerative Colitis Infographic describes the symptoms of the disease, how it’s diagnosed and how to treat the disease.

The Future of Health Insurance for Millennials and Gen Z

Millennials are now the largest slice of America’s adult population. In light of this, it is crucial to consider their needs. Here is an infographic that explains how younger generations envision the future of health insurance.