Health Infographics
Important Trends in Healthcare
Healthcare is a big trending topic these days. With the rise of technology, the healthcare industry is changing. Check out these new health trends, and learn how they may impact you in the future, in an infographic courtesy of Duquesne University.
Difference Between Good and Bad Health IT
Do you know the difference between good and bad Health IT? If you have been studying new, relevant technologies as a part of your health informatics masters program, than you know that finding patients, evaluating test results and more everyday activities can either be helped or hampered by the information systems that treatment professionals currently use.
The Necessity of Exercise: Physical Activity and Aging
As the aging population keeps increasing, more and more older people are recognizing a growing need for exercise in their lives. Maintaining an active lifestyle is crucial for sustaining health and happiness. Exercise can help older adults achieve a higher quality of life, and it can help them live longer as well.
The Advantages of Invisalign Aligners
Did you know that Invisalign aligners can give you the smile you’ve always wanted without the look or inconvenience or traditional braces? There are numerous features of Invisalign aligners that may benefit you in your day-to-day life. Learn more in this infographic.
Tobacco Fact Sheet You Should Know About
There is lot to know about the hazardous impacts of tobacco on the cardiovascular health of people globally. Dig into the following Infographic, courtesy of Infographic Design Team, to discover some gut-wrenching stats and facts surrounding tobacco.
DIY Teeth Whitening Solutions That May Actually Cause Damage
Everyone wants to have a set of gleaming white teeth, along with the boost of self-confidence that it comes with. While teeth whitening treatments can be carried out by registered dentists, it’s not illegal to purchase over-the-counter DIY whitening kits. But, what they often ignore is the potential damage DIY teeth whiteners may cause to their mouth: toothache, tooth infections, gum problems and more.
Protect Your Hearing
This infographic from avXperten demonstrates what you have to be aware of in protecting your ears and your hearing. It explains everything about noise, hearing loss, sound measurement, children & noise, symptoms & prevention and about healthier music habits.
The Power of Scent: Smell Facts
Smells are first processed by the olfactory bulb, which runs along the bottom of the brain. The olfactory bulb has direct connections to two other brain areas, the amygdala and the hippocampus. These ares have a strong implication in emotion and memory. None of the other senses pass through these two parts of the brain, which makes the sense of smell the most successful for triggering emotion and memory.
Colon Cancer 101
Colorectal cancers are extremely common, the third most frequently-diagnosed malignancy in US patients, according to the National Library of Medicine. But the disease is also very deadly. Colorectal cancer, which most often metastasizes to the liver, lung or abdomen,...
Health Conditions You Can Treat With CBD
From sleep disorders to anxiety and depression, there’s a lot you can treat with CBD. Learn more about the underlying workings of CBD and how it can be used to treat so many different things within this infographic from Best CBD Oils.
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