Health Infographics
Terrifying Sleep Conditions
The average human being spends 33% of their life sleeping. It’s supposed to be restful, restorative and regenerating. But what if it wasn’t? What if sleep was at best, the worst part of your day? Or a terrifying experience that disrupts your life? In this infographic, takes a look at some terrifying sleep conditions.
The Science Of CBD
CBD oil is proving itself to be a science-backed miracle cure, despite its dubious legal standing. Learn more about CBD oil within the following infographic from Best CBD Oils.
Pregnancy Myths From TV
TV has taught us a lot about pregnancy. Maybe you’ve seen Phoebe from Friends crave meat while she was pregnant with triplets or Bridget Jones’s mad dash across London when her water broke and thought, is that going to happen to me? When it comes to pregnancy, there’s a ton of old myths which have worked their way into becoming established facts.
Is Obesity Growing Too Fast in the United States?
Obesity is one the rise in the US with nearly 38% of individuals classified as obese and nearly another 1/3 of US adults classified as overweight. If the current growth rate of obesity continues, obesity will reach as much as 45% in 2025, and 50% in 2030. Not only is obesity on the rise, but childhood obesity is growing as well. This is causing many experts to find a solution frantically.
Blocking Harmful Blue Light
Blue light is not only a detriment to your eyes, it is also a detriment to your overall health. Learn more about blocking blue light in the following infographic courtesy of Frames Direct.
16 Ways To Get Kids To Eat Healthy
Getting little ones to eat healthy – without the tantrum – can be hard work, even at the best of times. To help you get your kids eating a bit of fruit, instead of craving that chocolate cake, Families Online has outlined 16 genius ways you can get them to eat well, all without the hassle.
The Health Benefits of Infrared Saunas
Here is an infographic by UK Saunas looking at all the benefits of using infrared saunas; along with some advice and a look at some of the celebrities that use them.
How Running Changes Your Body
Let’s face the facts here – most of us are not the least bit concerned about the necessity of having a fit body. While we may successfully pull off the low-calorie diet for a week, things just seem to stop when exercise comes into the mix. The good news is that you don’t have to get an expensive gym membership program to get back into shape.
All you need are a pair of good running shoes and some motivation to get started.
20 Playground Exercises to Achieve a Full-Body Workout
Why pay for an expensive gym membership when you can make use of the time you have with the “equipment” you have available, while taking care of and playing with your kids. What’s all this about? The playground! Bring the kids to the playground and while you watch, you can get a full-body workout in using only playground equipment.
Why Post-Acute Care Matters More Now Than Ever
Hospitals can’t just leave patient care to chance after patients leave the hospital. They must be more actively involved in managing their patients to ensure that they will receive the most appropriate post-acute care and avoid any remissions.
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