Health Infographics
The Strange World of Sleep Disorders
An average person spends a third of his/her life sleeping. However, not all of us are lucky and healthy enough to get the most out of those 8 hours. Based on some health research data, one in every eight people in America is diagnosed with one of the other sleep disorder. The quality of sleep not only determines how you feel next day. It also reflects on your mood, your productivity, and your general health condition.
10 Cool Facts About Your Teeth
How much do you know about your teeth? Chances are you have been told many times how to brush and floss properly or what a root canal therapy is. Therefore the dental professionals at Kaizen Dental share 10 amazing tips about your teeth and mouth you probably did not know about. How much saliva do we produce? Or what do teeth and fingerprints have in common?
Top Reasons You Need to Detox Your Body
The popularity of body detox nowadays is overwhelming. Everyone wants to try it. But just because it’s popular doesn’t mean everyone should do it without even knowing why. So why should we detox? Here are the top reasons in an infographic from Pure Detox.
7 Causes Of Spotting Before Period Starts
During a woman menstrual cycle, it is normal to get a period every 28 to 35 days. Few days before your next period, spotting may occur. While it’s rarely due to endometrial cancer or cervical cancer, it could commonly mean you are pregnant. This infographic explains the common causes of Brown spotting before period starts.
The Do’s and Donts of Detox
If you’re planning to detox your body, then you should know that there are do’s and don’ts to follow. This infographic from Pure Detox will help you achieve the best results at the same time avoid side affects. Keep in mind that body detox is no joke. So be careful.
10 Oral Hygiene Tips
Brushing your teeth regularly is good, but if you brush with an old and worn out toothbrush you’re not doing your teeth any favors. The dentists at Yaletown Dental in Vancouver advise you to replace your toothbrush after every three months to keep your pearly whites shining bright. If you notice that your bristles are getting bent out of shape, you know they will not be effective in removing food debris from your mouth.
How Long Does it Take to Lose Weight
Shedding a pound takes time, effort, and real hard work. But don’t forget that each body varies. Just because you eat healthy foods and go to the gym every day, doesn’t mean you’ll lose weight faster than those who go to the gym once a week. There are many factors you need to consider, though. Check this infographic for more details.
Top Fitness Trends and Gadgets Through the Decades
In this infographic that has been published by Ebates, explore a timeline of fitness trends and gadgets that have taken place throughout the decades.It starts with early fads in the 1920s and up to some of the top fitness apps in 2016.
10 Reasons You’re Not Losing Weight
There are many reasons why you never succeed on your weight loss plan. Either you overcompensate yourself after working out or you lack sleep. Or maybe you consume excessive amounts of sugary drinks. What’s the point of your weight loss plan if you can’t discipline yourself? Check this infographic.
Withdrawal Symptoms During Drug Detox
This infographic is designed for individuals who are thinking about undergoing addiction treatment for a substance use disorder. One of the first steps in any addiction treatment program is drug detox — the process in which an individual receives physiological rehabilitation for their substance use disorder. Drug or alcohol detox can be a very anxiety-ridden, nerve wracking process, especially if an individual doesn’t know what to expect.
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