Health Infographics

Debunked! Research Revises Popular Facts Into Shocking Myths

Debunked! Research Revises Popular Facts Into Shocking Myths

Consuming foods for the right reasons is critical. Eating the following foods in excess doesn’t help avoid or cure the diseases that you always thought they did. MedHalt brings you an infographic on common food related myths.

The Screen Generation: Are We All Going Blind?

The Screen Generation: Are We All Going Blind?

Looking at your phone, computer, and television all day is not the best thing for your eyes. Learn more about dry eye and computer vision syndrome in the following infographic.

Spring And Summer Days In The Sun’s Rays

Spring And Summer Days In The Sun’s Rays

Taking care of your eye health is important year round, but there are several summer-specific concerns to be on the lookout for. Learn more about eye health in this infographic from Frames Direct.

A-D Guide to Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular procedures performed by plastic surgeons. Breast implants not only enhance the size, shape, and balance but they also improve body symmetry and balance. Implants can be usually filled with either silicone or saline solution. So which ones are better? How long does the surgery take? And what are the pros and cons of saline & silicone breast implants?

Free Your Mind? Your Brain On LSD

Free Your Mind? Your Brain On LSD

Your brain on LSD probably isn’t the disaster Nancy Reagan wanted you to believe it would be. Can this drug which is currently illegal in the U.S., actually provides some mental health benefits? Learn more about the efficacy of LSD from this infographic.

STD Testing & The Importance of Being Checked

STD Testing & The Importance of Being Checked

This infographic from Physician One Urgent Care covers the most common STDs with the latest statistics, myths, and facts that stress the importance of getting tested. Left untreated, STDs can lead to serious health issues including infertility, cervical and other genital cancers, paralysis, liver failure, and death.

Guide to Hay Fever

Guide to Hay Fever

Hay fever can make life miserable for people every summer. Look at the pollen calendar below, courtesy of, to find out which weed, grass or tree causes hay fever at different times of year, how to minimize those effects and the effect on contact lenses.

Normal Defiant Behavior or Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

Normal Defiant Behavior or Oppositional Defiant Disorder?

How is a parent to know what is normal age appropriate defiant behavior or if their child is displaying signs of Oppositional Defiant Disorder? This infographic is meant to bring awareness to ODD and help parents understand what to look for in their child’s behavior that can be signs of the disorder.

The Hazards Of Being A Desk Jockey

The Hazards Of Being A Desk Jockey

A sedentary lifestyle isn’t the only hazard of being a desk jockey. According to this infographic from Frames Direct, digital eye strain is also a major concern. Read on to learn all about the hazards of being a “desk” jockey.

Under Pressure: The Science Behind Compression Garments

Under Pressure: The Science Behind Compression Garments

Many injuries are treated with RICE: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. RICE helps reduce inflammation and swelling. Some of these solutions are obvious. But compression warrants a closer look. This infographic looks at the science behind compression garments.