Health Infographics
11 Deadly Airborne Diseases You Should Know About
Smaller particles like the allergens, microbes and pathogens could potentially lead to deadly airborne diseases. Being very lightweight, these elements can easily transmit through the air, cough, sneeze etc. You need to ensure some necessary preventive measures to avoid being infected by these diseases.
How Common is Cancer Misdiagnosis?
A major 2014 study found that 12 million US patients are misdiagnosed every year. That’s a huge, scary number, and the research got tons of press. Even non-medical news sources, like CBS, picked up on the story, crafting shocking headlines. But unfortunately, at least for patients, the study only looked into diagnostic errors affecting outpatients.
Metal Hip Implant Recall Timeline
An estimated 500,000 Americans have received metal hip implant devices for broken or fractured hips, manufactured by various companies. Unfortunately, many of these metal hip implants were defective, and have caused serious injuries for thousands of patients. Here is a helpful infographic highlighting key dates and important information for patients that received a defective metal hip implant device.
Naloxone: A Lifesaver From Opioid Overdose
This infographic, courtesy of Addiction Rehab, provides comprehensive information on Naloxone, an Opioid antagonist used to reverse the effects of Opioid (i.e., morphine and heroin) overdosed.
Coolsculpting: Non-Surgical Fat Reduction
Coolsculpting is a non-surgical fat reduction treatment that eliminates that stubborn fat you just can not get rid of. Coolsculpting uses a cooling method called Cryolipolysis that targets, freezes, and eventually eliminates fat cells without damaging the surrounding tissue. It usually requires very little to no downtime.
10 Benefits of Regular Acupuncture Treatments
It improves sleep quality by three hours or more, reduces chronic pain by up to 80 percent, lessens depression symptoms by at least 50 percent, and boosts weight loss in obese patients. This remedy is not a miracle drug, it’s acupuncture, an ancient form of Chinese medicine that dates back to the year 100 BC.
Aesthetic Trends 2015
EF MediSpa have carefully listened to the beauty concerns of their clients. In this infographic, learn of some of the most wanted male and female treatments for 2015 and what products their clients wanted to use.
An Ounce Of Prevention More Than Worth A Pound of Cure
Many Americans die each year due to preventable chronic diseases. Studies have shown that investments in community-based prevention programs not only help to improve health outcomes but also can also save costs by avoiding costly treatments in the future. To learn more checkout the following infographic.
Obstructive Sleep Apnoea Treatment
This infographic has been designed to create awareness for people who are unfamiliar with the symptom signs of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and help them get a better sleep for life.
What is CRPS and What Can We Do About It
This infographic from Burning Nights takes a look at Complex Regional Pain Syndrome (CRPS), a regrettable long-term condition that causes severe burning pains, among other symptoms.
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