Health Infographics
Stop The Stigma: The Realities Of Mental Health
In the world today, the realities of mental health and illness are not widely known. There are people who want to associate those suffering from mental illnesses with negative feelings and emotions, which are generally referred to as “Stigma”.
Life Expectancy Is On the Up – Here’s Why
In this infographic, see how life expectancy compares around the world, including which countries have the highest rates of life expectancy and which have the lowest rates. Also, find out how life expectancy has changed over time. It also looks into the future and provides interesting facts and figures on what we can expect life expectancy to be like in 50 plus years from now.
Celebrities Who Have Lived With Mental Illness
You may know someone in your life that has a mental illness but did you know that many influential people such as celebrities also have lived with mental illness? Here is a compilation of a few of them.
Whiplash in Car Accidents
This infographic is to show the injuries that can occur in most common auto accidents and it shows how whiplash forms. It illustrates what causes whiplash, how to recognize it’s symptoms, and what you can do to prevent injury in the future. Most people can recover from a whiplash injury within a few weeks but others may develop chronic pain that lasts for years.
Top Health Myths: Fact or Fad?
The following infographic from unveils the reality of popular diet trends and health facts or myths that accompany each other. For example, did you know that scientists have not even identified the toxins that detox diets supposedly flush from our bodies? Or that eating after 8pm isn’t necessarily a cause of weight gain?
How to Talk to Your Partner About Erectile Dysfunction
Erectile dysfunction (also known as ‘impotence’) is an extremely common condition affecting over 50% of men aged between 40 and 70. Unfortunately, it can be a difficult subject for many couples to discuss despite being a natural part of the aging process. This infographic will help you understand more about erectile dysfunction and how to discuss with your partner.
Back Pain During Pregnancy – 5 Causes And 11 Treatments
Back pain during early stages of pregnancy is common and it generally arises due to both mechanical and hormonal factors. Studies indicate that somewhere between a half and three quarters of pregnant women suffer from back pain at some point of time during their pregnancy period. The following infographic will help you to know the causes and the treatment tips as well to help one deal with the issue.
Shocking Effects of Asthma
This infographic discloses facts related to the effects that Asthma has over the lives of millions of American citizens suffering from this chronic disease.
Get To Know Endometriosis
Endometriosis is a painful disorder that effects many individuals worldwide. This infographic from RMA of Texas presents symptoms, causes and treatments for endometriosis and aims to bring more awareness to this terrible disease so hopefully a cure can be found soon.
Simple Ways to Keep Healthy Testosterone Levels
This infographic goes over tips to help maintain a healthy testosterone level, the effects of an imbalanced testosterone level, and important statistics on men’s health. This extremely important health issue that too often goes undiscussed. From avoiding soy to increasing Vitamin D, this infographic gives the do’s and don’ts to help any male keep their testosterone in check.
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