Health Infographics
Uniform Advantage Color Psychology Guide for Nursing Uniforms
How do your patients view you when you wear a particular color scrub uniform? Approachable, caring, friendly or standoffish and inattentive? When you enter their room with a colorful scrub or one with prints, you see and feel the effects of the scrub colors on you and your immediate environment. It can lift their spirits and they are more open and comfortable with you versus dark colors that are cold and cause them to change their attitudes toward you negatively.
All You Need to Know About Dermatillomania
Dermatillomania is a compulsive, often detrimental habit that is characterized by the repeated urge to pick at one’s own skin — often to the extent of tissue damage and scarring. In terms of prevalence, an estimated 1.4 to 5.4 percent of the general population is afflicted with this condition, with women accounting for the majority (at 86 percent).
How a Celebrity Spotlight Could Change Your Life
BRCA testing could change your life, and many people didn’t know much about it, until celebrities brought the situation to light. Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Mitral Regurgitation
Mitral Regurgitation is a common heart valve disorder in which the mitral valve does not close properly. As a result, blood traveling through the human heart “leaks” backward from the left ventricle into the left atrium. Learn more about Mitral Regurgitation in this infographic.
Germs: The Side of the Grocery Store You Don’t See
The following facts may gross you out but knowledge is power. Keep yourself healthy by watching out for these hidden dangers at your favorite grocery store, all nicely put together in an infographic from Grocery Coupon Network.
Household Germs That Can Kill
Here is a useful infographic by Master Cleaners that teaches us all about the most dangerous germs that can be found in the home, with the 4 most dangerous household germs are MRSA, E. Coli 0157, Novovirus and C. Difficile.
Is Your Slow Computer Affecting Your Health?
We tend to waste a lot of time waiting on slow computers. Could this be affecting our health? Check out the infographic below to learn more.
Does Coffee Cause Cancer and Other Myths
As reported by the Guardian, around a 10th of adults mistakenly believe that coffee can cause cancer, when in fact, there is no evidence to confirm a relationship. New research highlights how many people consider the myth to be fact, and as a response, here is an infographic to shed light on other popular fallacies.
Tech Innovation for Worldwide Health
The Gates Foundation is predicted to save the lives of 7.6 million children under 5 from 2010-2019. In this infographic, shows us how they have done it.
Loneliness is More Deadly Than Obesity
Believe it or not, but being lonely is actually more deadly than being obese. Check out the infographic below to learn about why this is the case.
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