Health Infographics
Organ, Eye and Tissue Donation and Transplantation in Colorado and Wyoming
This infographic examines organ, eye and tissue donation and transplantation in Colorado and Wyoming. It also highlights the national need for transplants, which parts of the body can be transplanted and other facts about donation and transplantation.
5 Health Lessons We Can Learn From Robin Roberts
At times, celebrities may give off an appearance of invincibility. We see them on the movie screens and our television sets, but the reality is they are people who hurt, struggle, and overcome difficulties just like the rest of us. Co-anchor of “Good Morning America,” Robin Roberts is evidence of illness and victory all in the public eye. This infographic presented by InsuranceQuotes highlights five lessons we can learn from her health struggles.
Is Stress Killing You?
Stress in the US has increased 30 percent over the last three decades? Why is this and what is causing our stress? This infographic takes a look at how stress affects our lives and how it could be killing us.
Hearing Loss – Guidance for Family and Friends
For most people, hearing loss happens slowly – so slowly in fact that it’s hard to notice it deteriorating at all. Indeed, you may realize somebody has signs of hearing loss before they realize themselves. This infographic from Hidden Hearing provides information on hearing loss and provides some guidance for family and friends of the one losing their hearing.
4 Medical Advances Made Possible by BLDC Motors
This infographic explores how the BLDC motor has helped advance medical devices, such as those used to help with sleep apnea, blood clot prevention and mobile breathing assistance. The brushless DC motor is known for being efficient, quiet and spark free, which makes it perfect for use in medical device machining.
The Dedicated Doctor
Employment opportunities for doctors are expected to expand 24% by 2020. But no one ever said becoming and remaining a doctor was a walk in the park. Years of school and residency may seem daunting, and illustrate how intense a doctor’s dedication is to their profession and to helping the lives of others. So what does it take to attain that lofty position? This infographic by Soliant shows you.
Female Infertility in the United States
The following infographic entitled, “Female Infertility in the United States,” features definitions, facts, causes and misconceptions regarding national female infertility.
Is Your Body Toxic?
Body cleansing is thought to have derived from the ancient Egyptian and Greek notion of “autointoxication”: a metabolic condition that results in unintentional, self-poisoning due to toxin buildup in the body. Preemptive cleansing measures were used to counteract the onset of this disorder. The following infographic from explains why everyone needs to cleanse.
Superbugs: How We’re Making Bacteria Stronger With Antibiotics
We are reminded all the time to wash our hands, but many wonder if it actually makes a difference. Get this: it is estimated that we have between 2 to 10 million bacteria from our fingertips to elbows. These bacteria can cause disease and other sickness such as superbugs. In this infographic, the folks at explain how superbugs are formed and how to help prevent them.
Do You Have Digital Eye Strain?
We all enjoy spending time surfing the internet or playing games on our smartphone, but do you sometimes find your eyes feel dry and tired, or your neck aches after a long period in front of a screen? This is known as CVS or digital eye strain. Here is an informative and fun infographic to give you a better idea of the causes, symptoms and solutions to overcoming this modern day obstacle.
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