Home & Garden Infographics
Flowers with Style: Nature is Your One Stop Fashion Shop
From hair to hats to dinner plates, flowers have been used as accent pieces and fashion accessories for centuries. But why? This infographic will take a look at the impact that flowers have historically had in the fashion world and the impact it continues to have today.
Controlling Indoor Air Quality
Poorly designed AC or HVAC systems go beyond wasting energy – they contribute to poor indoor air quality. It’s important to test your indoor air quality and do regular cleaning, have proper ventilation, and air filtration. This can prevent carbon monoxide poisoning and excess fumes. Having a balanced temperature indoors with moderate humidity also creates a comfortable environment.
How to Deal With Household Pests
Have you ever found your house infested with spiders, ants, wasps or other creatures? Sorting them out can be a real hassle, which is why Primrose.co.uk have put together a handy pest control guide. It includes both typical and alternative methods for getting rid of all kinds of pesky animals from your home.
Top 8 Time-Saving Outdoor Garden Power Tools
Who likes to spend all day slaving away in the garden? Using the right tools for the job can make quick work of most tedious outdoor chores. The Impatient Farmer explores the top 8 outdoor garden power tools to help you save time in the garden. From pressure washers...
The Devil’s Greenhouse
Throwing a wedding bouquet, buying a flower for your lover, stopping to smell the roses… flowers play an important part in our lives. Most of the time, they signify joyful occasions. But sometimes they server a darker purpose. Enter The Devil’s Greenhouse – a collection of the most poisonous flowers from around the world. Capable of stopping a man’s heart and stealing the breath from your lungs, they might look pretty, but they can kill.
What To Do When Your Fire Alarm Goes Off
It is very easy to panic when your fire alarm goes off. Make sure you know what to do to keep your family and yourself safe during a fire. Draw out a fire escape plan for your home with this helpful infographic from Link Interactive.
Boost Your Mood Using 5 Scientific Decorating Tips
Did you know that your home décor has a lot more influence on you than you thought? The truth is that it can help you to boost your mood. Find out how with the help of this interesting infographic.
How To Build Your Shipping Container Home
Shipping container homes are growing in popularity as more people want an affordable, sustainable option. In this infographic from Suddath, read on to find out how a shipping container can be converted into a comfortable home. [Click image for full size version]
The Habits of Home – Interacting With Your Energy
“The Habits of Home,” shares a few of the staggering statistics about just how much energy the average household uses and how seemingly simple changes can make a big difference on your electric bill. What are you waiting for? Let this infographic break it down, room by room, for you.
9 Tips For Buying A Home Together
Don’t go unprepared into house buying process with someone. Even though this is great experience, it still can be really stressful. Check out this helpful infographic by Experian and get all the advice you need to start this adventure.
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