Internet Infographics

Different Types of Web Hosting

Different Types of Web Hosting

Don’t know which web host to choose? Web site hosting is one of those beasts with so many variables that most get lost in trying to decide which way to go. In the following infographic, have pointed out main differences between Shared, Dedicated, VPS and Cloud hosting.

Family and Teen’s Cyber Security

The following infographic from Family Orbit team, breaks down what parents and teens need to know about family safety. It gives details on what types of threats to lookout for, stats and figures that you may find surprising, as well as some helpful advice on how to keep your family protected.

Top 10 gTLD Domain Name Sales & Biggest Selling gTLDs of 2015

The announcement of new generic top-level domain names excited many domain investors and webmasters since they offered a chance to register exact match business and sector focused domain extensions. The infographic shares the lists of the biggest selling new gTLD extensions and top 10 gTLD domain name sales of 2015.

The Spammers Economy

We all hate spam, we know it’s time consuming, it can be simply annoying or in some cases downright dangerous but have you ever thought .. Why does spam exist? The team at EveryCloud has scoured the Internet and found comments, data and research from some of the industry’s most trusted professionals and complied a Godzilla sized, info packed infographic.

Do You Know All Domain Extensions?

This infographic shows all the domain extensions. .Com came out in 1985 and today there are more than 800 domain extensions. In fact, over the last two years more than 500 top level domains came out.

What is a Content Delivery Network?

A Content Delivery Network (or CDN) is a system of strategically positioned servers around the globe. These servers maintain copies of the content (Javascript, CSS, Images, etc) and are retrieved when a user looks up the website. Learn more about a CDN in this infographic.

Most Popular Search Engines in 2015

You might assume Google is still the king of search, but do you know who is using this search engine, how they’re using it, and when as well as statistics on other search engines? Read on to find out in an infographic from SABA.

The State of Internet of Things in 6 Visuals

The IoT, or Internet of Things, is burgeoning. While the better known Internet is made up of humans communicating with one another, the IoT all but eliminates the human element. Essentially, once it’s all set up, the machines communicate with one another. An IoT in your home, in your city, or at your workplace is actually extremely useful. This infographic gives you a good visual summary of what’s happening

Anatomy of an Enterprise Social Cyber Attack: Customer Scams

Customer scams are nothing new. Fraudsters and criminals have leveraged an organization’s clout and popularity to target customers for ages. But customer scams have taken on a new and dangerous form on social networks, where scammers have unprecedented ability to imitate brands and victimize consumers, all while avoiding punishment. But what do typical customer scams look like? How can consumers identify customer scams? How do organizations tackled the growing risk of customer scams on social media?

The Internet Ran Out of IP Addresses

Did you know the internet is running out of IP addresses? Every website runs on a IPv4 internet addresses, and over the next 15 years, we’ll have to move over to IPv6, which is an entirely different platform that will require a global combined effort. This infographic illustrates the drop in IPv4 availability, as well as the rapid adoption rate of the new IPv6 platform.