Internet Infographics

Could Your Footwear Be Damaging Your Feet?

Shoes that do not fit correctly, offer limited arch support or cause instability can result on long and short term injuries. Harris and Ross have put together the following infographic to help you understand how your chosen footwear could be causing you problems.

Then and Now – 45 Years of Internet Access

It’s amazing to think how far the Internet has come, since its development in 1969. Following this infographic, you can track the progression of internet connectivity over the years, up to the present day. What do you think the internet has in store for us in the future?

The Missing Piece to the Skills Gap Puzzle

Every year, wide-eyed, enthusiastic college graduates are being sent into the world to fulfill their greatest hopes and dreams as promising, ambitious … unemployed 20-somethings living in their childhood bedrooms. Know what else? The blame can’t be pinned entirely on millennials. Disgruntled employers, desperate job seekers, and never-ending nightmares of indentured servitude internships — these are brought to you courtesy of a sticky and subtle problem: the skills gap.

Email Is Officially Middle-Aged! 44 Years of Email

In the past 44 years, email has gone from being a little-used form of communication reserved for only the most tech-savvy, to something so commonplace that it’s become part of our daily vocabulary. And just think- in the time that it took you to read this infographic,...

The Truth About How Spyware Affects You

Do you access the Internet through your computer or smartphone? If you do, you are vulnerable to spyware. In other words, we are all at risk. This infographic takes a look at the truth about how spyware affects all of us.

Google Search Tricks

In this infographic by Veravo, learn thirteen Google search tricks that that will help you to search better and make your life a whole lot easier.

Bathroom Cabinet Organization Cheatsheet

Most people have really messy bathroom cabinets because they squeeze too much stuff in it. You need a serious reorganization of your bathroom cabinets to make your life easier and tidier. Luckily, you can read this helpful infographic to get some great advices that will help you with your reorganization.

A Guide to Healthy Convenience Foods

A Guide to Healthy Convenience Foods

Lucas James Celebrity Personal Trainer has put together a guide that will help those who are constantly on-the-go or maintain a busy lifestyle choose healthy convenience foods. The guide includes all the high-protein snacks needed to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.

How Social Are Celebrities on Social Media

Social media has grown rapidly in the last decade and has changed the way people connect socially bringing people together from all corners of the globe who share the same interests, activities and views. It’s created endless platforms for aspiring singers, actors and writers who have the chance to get their voice heard. In this infographic learn how social celebrities actually are on social media.

Living Alone vs Living With Flatmates

The following infographic portrays 15 different moments where living with flatmates (roommates) is better than living alone. Toilet paper, the fridge when open or closed, the bills, the trash, a phone’s missed calls – these items part of our daily lives can be seen differently if used alone or as part of a shared household.