Internet Infographics

Is Reddit a Force for Good or Evil?

Is Reddit a Force for Good or Evil?

Reddit has over 5 billion page views a month, making it one of the most influential web sites on the planet. But do Reddit and its users wield that influence responsibly? Check out this infographic to learn why Reddit may be good or evil.

9 Useful Browser Shorcuts

9 Useful Browser Shorcuts

While most of us who regularly use web browsers know most of the shortcuts and work-arounds that save time, there are still lot of tricks which the majority of the people are unaware of. This infographic from eUKHost looks at 9 of them.

7 Best Practices for Server Optimization

To be able to get the maximum out of your server & applications and make your server more optimized you need to make some changes to the default settings. This infographic highlights all the things you that you must check on your server for optimum performance.

De-clutter Your Home

If you regularly struggle to find everyday items like keys, wallets, cups of tea, etc., then maybe you’re facing the household pest that is called “clutter.” The average American spends around 55 minutes a day looking for things in their home, and 96% said they thought they would have more time if their home was more organized. So why not take a look at these handy de-cluttering tips to keep your home in order and make life that little bit easier.

Teen Internet Addiction

For today’s teenagers, how much time is to much time spent online? Liahona Academy explores this issue in the following infographic.

The Half-Life of Data

In this infographic, DQ Global illustrates the longevity of data and the rate of decay to business information. The impact of data decay cannot be underestimated. Each year, UK businesses waste £220 million sending mailings to the wrong people. For example, if someone has moved house or passed away, that mailing is a complete waste of money. The same applies if your database contains duplicate data.

The Digital Renaissance

Are we in the midst of a new type of renaissance, a digital renaissance? Given not only the sheer availability of information, but also the ability to immediately share new thoughts with a wide audience, things do seem ripe for the evolution of ideas in ways never before possible. The following infographic addresses this, comparing the present day to the renaissance of the 14th century.

The API Revolution

Tim O’Reilly called it Web 2.0. Niclas Reimertz has dubbed it the Golden Age. Most recently, technologists like to refer to it as the Internet of Things. Regardless of the semantics, it’s clear that that we’re in the midst of a massive advancement in the way we all interact with the Internet and the connected world. What’s also clear is that APIs are standing on the front lines of these changes.

Internet Intimidators: Treating Both Sides of Cyberbullying

The relatively new phenomenon of cyberbullying is one that those with social work degrees need to be well-informed about, whether they’re trying to help bullying victims or bullies themselves. The following infographic looks at treating both sides of cyberbullying.

Social Jetlag: No Travel Required

When you think of jetlag, you probably imagine the effects of a flight and travel on the body. However, there is another type of jetlag – social jetlag, which can have even more worrisome effects than its jet setting counterpart. Biz Brain has created an infographic entitled “Social Jetlag: No Travel Required”, explaining what social jetlag is, how to recognize it, and how to avoid it.