Internet Infographics

The Rise of The Silver Surfers

The over-50 crowd of today is nothing like previous generations. Retirees and boomers right now are far more active, more involved, and better with technology than their parents or grandparents were and business and service providers are moving to keep up with them. If your idea of a pensioner is a grey-haired woman sitting in a rocking chair, you need an update. She and her friends are getting involved in all types of activities and they have interests that would surprise you.

The Dirt: The Truth About Home Cleaning Habits

We’ve turned the corner into spring — and for many people, that means spring cleaning time is here. Find out the latest home cleaning insights brought to you by Neato Robotics that shed light on the truth about home cleaning habits.

12 Unusual Social Networking Sites

Twitter and Facebook have huge audiences, but smaller social networking sites for niche audiences from mustache lovers to knitters are picking up steam, with new ones popping up all the time. tracked down 12 unique sites for specific interest groups you might want to join or share with your cat-loving friend.

2012 Web Security Year in Review

This infographic from the folks at Symantec gives a rundown of some of the main cyber security threats that occurred throughout 2012.

Phishland: How Will Your Users Survive the Phishpocalypse?

The thought of a zombie attack fits well when it comes to phishing. They just keep coming and you have to keep fighting, but you have to stay smart. How do you stay alive you ask? Find out in the following infographic from ThreatSim.

Star Safari: Spotting Celebs with Social Media

It’s common to be on the lookout for celebrities in the concrete jungles of New York and L.A. but you can hunt for famous “game” in less common “habitats” using social media as your guide. If you’ve got some social media savvy and a little bit of luck, you might just bag some face time with your favorite superstar, without resorting to creepy stalking. explores this further in the following infographic.

Social Behavior: The BIG GAME

How is social affecting search?  The point of conducting this study was to examine the behavior of online users and see if they align with the preexisting notions of search, mobile and social behavior. While many of our ideas were confirmed, we were also greatly surprised by many data points.

Web Hosting Simplified

Web Hosting Simplified

What is web hosting? Simply put, web hosting is a service providing the availability of space on a server connected to the Internet. Ostensibly, this server space is used for hosting websites, although there are potentially numerous other reasons that one may want to employ the services of a web host. Hostgator simplifies the explanation of what web hosting ins in the following infographic.

How to Use Social Media to Find a College Roommate

How to Use Social Media to Find a College Roommate

Giving students more control over their living situations results in fewer conflicts. Social media connects billions of people from all over the world, so why not use it to find your college roommate? Learn how in this infographic from the folks at

How Much Does Google Know About You?

While Google has become a world standard when searching for just about anything, it was created and exists to make money. One way they do this is by selling all of the information they collect on us to advertisers to help them market better to us as consumers. Keep in mind that everything you do on Google and its other sites is tracked and logged. Some might view this as an invasion of privacy but Google collecting and using this type of information is able to provide customized results, advertisements, and services.