Internet Infographics

Mobile Web Traffic Statistics

The following Infographic by Go Globe provides detailed insight into current mobile web traffic statistics. Some interesting facts are – 46% of US population own Smartphone of some kind, nearly 7% of US digital traffic connects from non-computer devices, and Non-Computer Traffic Share by Devices US M-commerce sales accounts for 3% ecommerce sales in 2012 and will reach7% by 2016.

Twitter Followers – Who’s Faking It?

Twitter Followers – Who’s Faking It?

The appearance of social media is sometimes deceiving. The following infographic takes a look at the very first fake account on Twitter and continues on to show how companies, celebrities and even Presidential candidates are under the microscope when it comes to their Twitter followers

Facebook New & Upcoming Features

Discover the new and upcoming features that Facebook will soon be showering upon us in the infographic below by Social Media Hive.

The Internet: A Decade Later

It’s no surprise that the Internet has come a long way in the last decade (2002 – 2012), and this infographic reveals just how much it has grown and evolved. Some of these facts might be staggering but I’m sure won’t shock anyone.

The Content Omniverse

The Internet has become an infinite pool of shared data, images, and content. While it’s challenging to fathom the growth of this “Content Omniverse”, this infographic from CopyPress sure does help.

Future of RFID

This infographic visualizes the future of RFID. Take a ride along the path of adoption, convergence, the Internet of things, and big data – ending in a place where RFID systems will become an integral part of the consumer and business experience.

Social Media: Bleak Outlook for the Future?

Social media should not be underestimated. It enables communication, photo- and opinion-sharing as well as effects the reputation of companies and brand image on the web. Social networks are used to promote ideas, interesting events or just fun trivia, which is why more and more people are interested in the subject of social media and would like to take it up on a professional level.

Internet Explosion: Analysis of New gTLDs

On June 13, 2012, ICANN announced 1,930 applications for new generic Top-Level Domains (gTLDs) were filed by 1,155 applicants. This expansion will spur an explosion of Internet growth, but the influence of big money could concentrate gTLDs in the hands of a few key players. The following infographic, produced by .Nxt, breaks down the amount of applications, key players and money involved.

Is Google Plus a Failure?

Google+, a bit late to the social media game, but there none the less. And with Google seeming to be pushing it very hard from every angle, how is the future looking for Google +? Find out now, in a hypothetical conversation from a post apocalypic future, created by Browser Media.

Why People Write Online Reviews

Lately, it seems as though more and more consumers are flocking to online review sites, forums and apps to share their opinions about the services they experienced. But as it turns out, not everyone is driven purely by points or freebies. This infographic by Demandforce looks at some of the unselfish reasons why people write online reviews.