Internet Infographics

Facebook Numbers Prior to the IPO

On the heel of the news over the fact that Facebook is getting ready to file for an initial public offering this week, and most indicators point to $10 billion in stock and a valuation at over $100 billion, Statista has put together stats on the company’s mind-boggling ascendance in recent years in the following infographic.

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A Few Ways Men Can Use Pinterest

Pinterest, a fairly new social media site that allows users to “pin” their favorite pictures in a pinboard style format, is not just for women (although I’ve heard that it currently comprised of some 70% women). Men can use it as well. This infographic designed by Jack M. Block looks at some of the ways men can utilize Pinterest and still maintain their “man card.”

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History of Local Search

Originally posted over on Dream Systems Media, this History of Local Search infographic explores the different forms of Local Search throughout the ages. Great history piece! Enjoy.

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How Social Networks Changed in 2011

From the launch of Google+, the announcement of Facebook’s timeline and the Twitter re-design, 2011 was a big year for Social Media. Here is a round up of the major Social Media platform changes in 2011.

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2012 The Year of Integration

While 2011 may have been the “Year of Mobile,” we will go further next year. Consumers are expanding their uses of social media to more devices and incorporating it into daily tasks, and we, as marketers must follow. That is why 2012 needs to be, and will be, the “Year of Integration.”

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Predicting Panda: What Is Google Panda & How Does It Work?

The term “Panda” in relation to Google is a search algorithm update released by Google on April 11, 2011 designed to filter search engine results so that only high-quality results reach the top positions. The changes to the algorithm are based on surveys taken to determine desirable and undesirable page characteristics and continues to be updated frequently, meaning that end-user quality needs to be maintained.

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Google Page Rank Race

It common knowledge among SEO types that Google looks at page load time as a key criteria in page ranking. This infographic provides tricks and tips that will help make web page load time faster.

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Google Versus Facebook On Privacy and Security

This infographic from Veracode takes a look at Google+ and Facebook, comparing the number of features and games each has as well as the security and privacy measures each site takes. Who do you think will come out on top?

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Google’s Long History of Forays Into Social Media

This infographic from Mashable provides a timeline with a brief description of each time that Google has attempted to grow it’s social media market by company acquisition, social media app creation, and through deals with social media sites.

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