Law and Legal Infographics

Things To Do Before You Die To Avoid Probate

We all have bucket lists of things to do before we die, things like sky diving or visiting Italy. However, the folks at Dana Law Firm feel there are a few other things you should add to that list in order to avoid probate. Such as getting a will. They have provided this infographic to help you learn how to avoid probate.

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Big Corporate Lawsuits

Corporate lawsuits are widely prevalent. At any given time, the average large corporation in the U.S. can be juggling 37 lawsuits simultaneously. Lawsuits can also be fairly costly for companies on both sides of the table. It is estimated that litigation costs represent more than seventy percent of overall legal spending by the average U.S. business. In addition, many corporations fight lawsuits in which $20 million or more is at stake.

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Anatomy of a Drug Cartel

Here is a video infographic entitled “The Anatomy of a Drug Cartel” which is both educational and raises awareness about current global issues (war on drugs & drug addiction). It is actually more of an animated short-film but I found it quite interesting and as such, thought I’d share it here.

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Stay Safe Out There

Crime is an ever-present problem, whether it’s at home, or on the road. Here is an infographic entitled “Stay Safe Out There” full of tips and statistics behind crimes and how to protect yourself and your loved ones from burglary, robbery, and vehicle theft. While home robberies have dropped 52% in the last 17 years, 34 million homes are still falling victim to burglaries.

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The Real Cost of Auto Theft

Auto theft is one of the most common crimes in the U.S., and if it happens to you, the hidden costs can easily break the bank. With thieves becoming more brazen every day, your best defense is a high-tech recovery device that gets your car back quickly and with less damage. A speedy recovery makes a huge difference in cost and convenience, and helps police nab the criminals.

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How To Protect Yourself From A Lawless America

How To Protect Yourself From A Lawless America

Home burglaries are all too prevalent in the United States. Having the security of one’s home violated and personal possessions stolen is something everyone would like to avoid. While there is no foolproof way to completely prevent burglaries, there are steps that you can take to protect your home from break-ins.

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The Biggest Pop Culture Trademark Blunders

The Biggest Pop Culture Trademark Blunders

Registering a trademark isn’t as simple as filling out an application and paying your fees. Just ask Jeremy Lin (of “Linsanity” fame), Donald Trump and Harley Davidson – all of whom have faced challenges securing their desired trademarks. The following infographic details on their specific cases and for even more pop culture trademark blunders.

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The Decriminalization of Marijuana

The Decriminalization of Marijuana

Every 37 seconds someone in the United States is arrested for marijuana possession. 55% of Americans believe that the drug, that has never been a primary cause of death, should be legalized, taxed, and regulated like alcohol. What do you think? Explore this issue in the following infographic.

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How Intellectual Is Your Property

How Intellectual Is Your Property

Did you know that intellectual property (IP) accounts for 20% of the US gross domestic product (GDP) and for 40% of the country’s economic gains? Or that IP-intensive industries employ close to 55 million workers? If you find yourself in one of these fields, it’s important to know the background of intellectual property and IP law in order to understand how to protect your own work.

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