Law and Legal Infographics

What to Look For in a Private Detective Agency

Given the sometimes shady nature of the business, sometimes potential clients are afraid to hire private detectives to solve their problems. This infographic shows what customers should know before deciding which private investigation agency to hire.

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All Rise: A Case Against Hourly Billing Legal Fees

The legal industries billing model needs to change. Hourly billing has proven to be an outdated and unfair model. Check out the infographic below presented by San Diego Law Firm to learn about hourly billing and how it’s not really beneficial to lawyers or their clients.

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The Secrets Behind Intelligence Gathering

If the recent NSA surveillance disclosures have piqued your interest in just how far our government is going to collect information, check out this infographic from North American Investigators to see the different methods used by the U.S. to gather intelligence. From wiretapping phones to pulling data from Google accounts, government agencies like the FBI, CIA, and NSA are monitoring known suspects, potential suspects, American citizens and foreigners alike.

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Incarceration in the US: Dissecting the World’s Largest Prison Population

The United States has one of the greatest populations in the world. This is why crime is not uncommon. However, the prison system has needed to shoulder the burden that has been placed on it by the justice system. No other country places more people into the prison system than America. One percent of its population is currently in jail. This accounts for more than ten million crimes committed each year. There has to be a solution to the problem.

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How Economic Recession Has Affected Law Enforcement

The University of Cincinnati put together a piece that illustrates how the economy has affected American law enforcement with the trouble of providing the same level of service with fewer resources. It explores some alarming facts and figures on tightened budgets, officers impacted, services cut and other unique tidbits that help visualize the impact of these cuts.

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Wire Tapping: Privacy vs. Security

From the Bill of Rights to Edward Snowden, there has always been a battle between the right to privacy and the prying eyes of the government. Should privacy be compromised for security, or security for privacy? In the following infographic, learn about some key events that took us from the Fourth Amendment to Prism.

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The Biggest, Most Disastrous Medical Malpractice Lawsuits

Did you know that many states have a cap for medical malpractice? While some states have a cap for this (Maryland being the highest at $785,000) others rule it is unconstitutional to have such caps. One of the most disastrous medical malpractice payouts was an incident involving ketchup packets. The incident involved a 36 year old man who was on life support from a traumatic brain injury after he passed away the autopsy reported unopened ketchup packets, plastic bags and paper towels were found in his stomach and bowls.

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Does Crime Pay? Greatest Heists on Record

Not every heist ends up like The Italian Job or similar scenario. In fact, more often than not, crime doesn’t pay. Even the most ambitious and well planned robberies have landed thieves in prison for decades. The folks at Fred Dahr Defense Attorney have put together an infographic to illustrate the most famous heists in history and determine if the crime really is worth the time.

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Celebrity DUIs with Mugshots

There are many celebrities that think that they are above the law, but we know they are not since we see stories all of the time about another celebrity in some type of trouble. shows us some that got in trouble for driving under the influence, along with their mugshots when they were arrested.

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