Law and Legal Infographics

3 Auto Insurance Fraud Scenarios – What Every Person Should Know

There are many ways that you can become a victim of organized insurance fraud. It can result in huge insurance claim costs paid by your insurer and consequently, your premiums going up. Or, it could be even worse – you could be injured during an auto fraud accident! This infographic from InsurEye demonstrates the 3 most frequent auto insurance fraud scenarios to help Canadians to recognize and avoid them.

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Kids Locked Up For Life

More than 2,500 people in the United States are currently serving sentences of life without possibility of parole for crimes committed as juveniles. Being locked up until one dies may guarantee that a offender never harms another member of society. But is depriving a child of all hope of rehabilitation and release morally, ethically and financially viable?

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United States Crime Rates

Crime rates in the US have changed a lot over the years; sometimes for the better and sometimes for the worse. In recent years, the crime rates in the US have actually gotten better. This infographic illustrates crime rates over time in general, as well as state specific info. If you are convicted of a crime, know your rights and find a trusted attorney to represent your case.

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The New Lawyer: Trends That Are Reshaping the Legal Industry

The legal landscape is shifting: globalization, alternative legal services, virtual law firms, and outsourcing legal processes are becoming the norm. As technology advances so does mobilization and global reach. Law firms are switching focus from the mega firm to the boutique, lawyers are working from home or from virtual offices, and international collaboration is no longer rare. Are you keeping up with the trends or have you spread yourself too thin?

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Private Attorney Versus Public Defender

How does not being able to pay for a private attorney affect the outcome of cases? That is the question explored by this infographic published by Criminal Justice Degree Schools that compares private attorneys and public defenders. Learn about some of the statistics about having representation from a public defender, which 4 out 5 criminal defendants qualify for.

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7 Burglary Facts You May Never Have Heard

Are you jumping up in bed every time the wind howls next to your bedroom window? You may have watched enough crime shows and movies to feel like you could open your own private detective agency, but what do you really know about home invasions? Check out this infographic, published by, to learn seven little-known truths about burglars and burglaries.

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Who Should I Hire: A Process Server or the Sheriff?

Who Should I Hire: A Process Server or the Sheriff?

Process servers vs. sheriffs is somewhat of a niche subject…until someone needs legal papers to be served and they want to know who to serve their papers. This Infographic from provide a simple, clear answer to the question: who should serve my papers?

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