Law and Legal Infographics
Crime Index Offenses for Major North Carolina Cities
Criminal offense statistics describe analytical, methodical data regarding criminal activities disclosed in an offered time. Crime statistics aid to inform people exactly how criminal offense affects areas in their area. They can additionally provide useful understandings on just how to reduce crime. Understanding these criminal offense stats is helpful to locals, yet it is not an indicator of whether a neighborhood is ending up being more hazardous.
The 5 Biggest GDPR Fines To Date
Did you know that breaking GDPR regulations can come with a hefty fine? Many businesses have found out the hard way and are now paying the price. This infographic shows you which businesses are the biggest offenders to date, as well as the staggering amounts they had to pay.
Fast, Furious & Off the Road
Jardine Motors have analyzed key scenes from some of the biggest car scenes in Hollywood movie history and logged each time the characters would have gained penalty points based on their actions and found that, James Bond would have lost his driving license four times in the space of two minutes in Skyfall.
Getting Ready For The UK Citizenship Test
To become a British citizen by naturalization, you need to take the British Citizenship test as part of your application for settlement in the UK. The test entails a mandatory assessment of your knowledge of British geography, history, culture, and politics. Here is a summarized process of taking the British Citizenship Test.
7 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
Hiring a personal injury attorney can either make or break your case. After being injured in an accident, you need an experienced personal injury lawyer who will help you recover compensation for medical bills, lost wages and suffering. Here are some tips on what questions to ask before you hire an attorney to handle your personal injury case.
Which U.S. States Have the Most Workplace Homicides?
When looking at workplace violence statistics in America, it’s clear that this is a serious problem. Each year, millions of Americans report cases of workplace violence, and many more go unreported. This is even graver when considering how many of these incidents involve workplace deaths and homicides. Between 2011 and 2018, 3,584 Americans died at the hands at another in their workplace.
The Cities With the Most Fatal Police Shootings in the U.S.
It seems like every time we read the news, we see another story about someone being killed by police. The most recent high-profile death was that of George Floyd, a Minneapolis man who died after a police officer, Derek Chauvin, knelt on his neck for more than eight minutes. To contextualize the number of people killed by police, this infographic takes data from the 100 most populous cities in the United States and compares their rates of fatal police shootings.
Cities Where You’re Most Likely to Be a Victim of Violent Crime in the U.S.
Where are you most likely to be a victim of violent crime in the United States? This infographic compiles data from the FBI on murder and and non-negligent manslaughter, rape, aggravated assault, and robbery to provide valuable insight on the most violent and dangerous cities in the Unite States.
7 Questions to Ask Before You Hire a Personal Injury Attorney
Here are some suggestions for choosing a personal injury lawyer that is right for your case. Not every lawyer is right for every case. Finding the best fit for you can impact your settlement compensation as well as reducing worry about the case. This infographic outlines important inquiries to consider while interviewing an attorney for a personal injury case.
Cities With the Most Drunk-Driving Arrests in the United States
The city with the most drunk-driving arrests in America from 2009-18 was San Antonio, Texas. With 77,357 drunk-driving arrests from 2009-18, San Antonio “won” the top spot, not something really to be proud of! Using data from the FBI’s Crime Data Explorer, the team at takes a closer look at 30 of the most populated cities in the country and their amounts of drunk-driving arrests over the past decade.
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