Lifestyle Infographics
Sobering Effects of Drunk Driving
Drunk driving is a serious problem that causes thousands of deaths each year, not too mention untold financial, physical and emotional challenges. This infographic outlines just some of the tragic results of drunk driving accidents, and the effects on victims.
Everything You Need To Know About Mother’s Day
In a day and age of me, me , me, moms are still the most important person in most of our lives and Mother’s day is as important as ever. Even the Romans took time out of conquering the known world to celebrate their version of Mother’s day and the Americans have been celebrating it for 150 years. Learn something new about Mother’s Day with this infographic below.
Legal Weed’s Top 10 Greatest Hits
The Internet has been having a lot of fun with weed over the last year, and WeedMaps hopes to contribute with their new infographic. The Top 10 Greatest “Hits” explores different strains and uses of medicinal marijuana.
Maternity Leave: American Moms Deserve Better
Some Americans believe that emerging nations are unable to provide basic necessities and that so-called socialist states are indifferent to individual needs. The numbers tell a happier story, in regards to newborns and mothers across the globe. But how about those in America?
Bridesmaids by the Numbers
Wedding tradition stands strong when it comes to bridesmaids. Of the 11 million bridesmaids in action each year, brides still like having this entourage to help her stand out. What’s probably changed the most is the cost of being a bridesmaid. There’s no getting around it—it’s an expensive honor as this infographic will reveal.
Dream On: The Importance of Sleep
Good ol’ sleep – there are those who love it too much and those who think it a hindrance to productivity. This infographic showcases some studies on just how dangerous—and costly—sacrificing sleep can be, and concludes with some facts on how you can try and improve your sleep quality if it’s something you struggle with.
Valentine’s Day: 14 Signs He’s Into You
It’s Valentine’s Day – a day of romance, love and time to pay special attention to that significant other in your life. This infographic from My Safety Sign list 14 items you ladies can check off to learn if that special guy in your life “is into you.”
Weddings Are Freakin’ Expensive
Sure your wedding is one of the biggest days in your life but why do they have to be so freakin’ expensive? I’m not sure who is the original creator of this infographic but it does provide some interesting data on how much weddings cost, who pays for them and even provides some cost-saving tips on having a wedding on a budget.
What Do Women REALLY Want For Valentine’s Day?
Not sure what to get your sweetie for Valentine’s Day? polled 100 men and women to find out what they REALLY want this year. They also asked about the best and worst presents they’ve ever received and it is all laid out in the infographic below.
19 Types of Christians
People wear their “religion” in different capacities. While some are deeply devout on a daily basis, others may only pray in times of great desperation. Some seek to eliminate humanity’s wrongs while others seek to prove humanity itself wrong. Take a look at these 19 typical types of Christians from Online Christian Colleges and see if you fit or break the mold–or know someone who does.
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