Lifestyle Infographics

Engagements: Will This Season Be Your Season?

In addition to the Christmas and New Years holidays, this time of year also marks “Engagement Season” as more than 1/3 of all couples will get engaged between Thanksgiving and Valentines Day! This Infographic from Hearts On Fire provides some insight into the process of buying engagement rings.

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Christmas Madness

This Infographic features some of the most bizarre Christmas traditions from around the world. Additionally it includes information about gift giving including some of the strangest gifts that have been given.

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Christmas By the Numbers

How many Christmas cards are sent each year? Which states produce the most Christmas trees? What are some of the most popular Christmas traditions? This Infographic from History Channel looks to answer these questions and more.

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Smoking Vs. Electronic Cigarettes: Who Wins?

On average, a pack-a-day smoker will save about $1,200 a year if they switch to electronic cigarettes. This Infographic compares of the cost between traditional cigarettes versus electronic cigarette.

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Visual History of the Christmas Tree

The history of the Christmas tree has garnered a lot of fascinating points over the years. From the first decorated tree in 1600 to Gubbio, Italy’s 650-meter tall wonder, get a glimpse of Christmas tree history through this handy visual guide.

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Teen Pregnancy Facts & Statistics

Teen pregnancy has been an issue of major concern across the world, and it has been so since ages. The impact here is not just on the population but also on the associated health risks through other related issues like abortion, mental trauma, and lack of medical care. This Infographic looks at some of the shocking, alarming and surprising facts and stats on teen pregnancy.

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How To Build A Panic Room

Every since I saw the 2002 feature film, Panic Room, I’ve wanted one of my own. Of course, that will have to wait till when (and if) we build a custom home. This Infographic provides some guidelines on building a panic room the right way.

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We Love Sleeping

In this infographic, learn some very interesting things about sleep habits of people as well as what happens while your sleep.

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