Lifestyle Infographics

How Does Gambling Affect Us

How Does Gambling Affect Us

Experts have conducted a series of studies and found that online gambling at places in moderation is beneficial for the body as it can improve your mood, relieve fatigue, increase stress resistance, and train your memory.

Jean Care Hacks: Making Your Favorite Jeans Last

Jean Care Hacks: Making Your Favorite Jeans Last

A favorite pair of jeans can be a closet staple. And when you finally find a pair with just the right fit, you hope they’ll last forever. But how to go about making them last as long as possible? Here are a few denim hacks that will help you prolong their lifespan.

Life Insurance 101: Everything You Need to Know

Life Insurance 101: Everything You Need to Know

Life insurance is often overlooked, but it is important to have a policy with appropriate coverage in place. Having life insurance is beneficial because it can be used to pay final costs, provide financial security to beneficiaries, offer the chance for charitable contribution, pay estate taxes, and cover unpaid debt. In the following infographic, United Systems and Software has provided everything you need to know about life insurance.

42 Successful People Who Use or Support Marijuana

42 Successful People Who Use or Support Marijuana

Weed has been illegal for a long time, but the medicinal use of it has been around for much longer. From top celebrities to authors to artists to businessmen, this infographic from features some of the most successful people who support the legalization of Marijuana.

How to Tell if Someone is a Compulsive Gambler

How to Tell if Someone is a Compulsive Gambler

Many compulsive gamblers share the same similarities when it comes to the way their illness manifests. As research suggests, most compulsive gamblers undergo five different stages of their addiction, which each of these stages being progressively worse than the last. However, the stages tend to manifest differently depending on the traits of each individual.

3 Guaranteed Ways to Prevent Your Kid’s Digital Addiction

3 Guaranteed Ways to Prevent Your Kid’s Digital Addiction

Digital addiction is real and similar to drug and alcohol addiction. Unfortunately, children are getting addicted to digital screens as they play video games or watch videos for hours. Research shows that children who are exposed to more than an hour a day in front of digital screens, increase their suicidal thoughts by 72%, reduce their academic performance by 18% and it makes them more socially secluded.

Binge Drinking Statistics

Binge Drinking Statistics

Alcohol is one of the most common substances used in the United States. The accessibility of alcohol makes it much easier for people of all ages and social classes to get their hands on. Binge drinking statistics in the US are alarming. These statistics reveal just how dangerous over-consumption of alcohol really is. In the following infographic, Crestview Recovery visualizes some binge drinking statistics.

A Look at the Fashion Industry

A Look at the Fashion Industry

From a global perspective, the fashion industry is one of the largest industries worldwide, and the United States has one of the largest markets. Currently, the fashion industry has revenue worth hundreds of billions, and it is expected to continue its growth rate. In...

How Much is Too Much: True Cost of Kids’ Birthday Parties

How Much is Too Much: True Cost of Kids’ Birthday Parties

Extravagance is almost always the word people go to when talking about parties, although that may not necessarily be so. Since this word is tied closely to overspending, one should know that budgeting is just as important to make an epic party rightfully so. Pricey doesn’t always mean amazing, but you should know how to make that happen first! So how exactly does one create a party of epic proportions without it losing its flair?

From 1700 to Today: Swimwear Through the Ages

From 1700 to Today: Swimwear Through the Ages

Most of us wouldn’t give bikinis a second thought. But there was a time when the idea of even showing off your arms — let alone your midriff — was scandalous. So what did swimwear look like when it was considered indecent to show any skin at all? And how has it made the evolution from all-covering gown to the ‘itsy bitsy teeny weenie yellow polka dot bikinis’ that we see today?