Lifestyle Infographics

An Insider’s Guide to Senior Living in Alpharetta, GA

An Insider’s Guide to Senior Living in Alpharetta, GA

Alpharetta, Georgia provides an abundance of resources and activities for seniors. From the Alpharetta Adult Activity Center to Meals on Wheels, the town is an exceptional place for senior living. To make senior living even easier for those in Alpharetta, The Arbor Company has created this Insider’s Guide to Senior Living in Alpharetta, GA.

How to Express Individuality in Clothing

How to Express Individuality in Clothing

Individuality gives people the opportunity to personalize outfits with their choice of style. It is important to look for inspiration when trying to create your own style, but you should always have your own and never copy someone’s exact style. Building your unique wardrobe is vital to expressing individuality, and you should look for pieces that flatter your body and make you feel confident.

S.A.D. Tech – Treating Your Winter Blues

S.A.D. Tech – Treating Your Winter Blues

Seasonal depression affects millions with 1 in 5 American adults having been diagnosed with seasonal depression. Can S.A.D (Seasonal Affective Disorder) tech help you chase the winter blues away? Learn more within this infographic from Best Health Care Degrees.

Romance Is A Little Bizarre

Romance Is A Little Bizarre

We are all attracted to relationships, and our bodies respond in some crazy ways. You won’t believe how tightly smells, hormones, neuroscience, and psychology all work together. Romance is fun, exciting, risky … and yes, it’s a little weird, too. Check out this infographic and maybe you’ll learn something that will help you to spark your next romantic relationship.

Teen Slang: The Complete Parent’s Guide

Teen Slang: The Complete Parent’s Guide

These days it is as if teenagers have their own language. By learning more about what they are actually saying, you will not only create the opportunity to build a stronger bond with them, you’ll also be aware if they are in any potential danger. The following infographic is a complete parent’s guide to teen slang.

The Cost of an Intimate Tagaytay Wedding

The Cost of an Intimate Tagaytay Wedding

Tagaytay, a popular holiday town south of Manila on the Philippine island Luzon, is almost every bride’s dream wedding venue for her big day. This fact is not totally surprising, with the Internet flocked with couples who wed in the city and a wealth of inspirations to take after from. If you’re looking to follow the footsteps of these couples, then there’s a lot of planning that needs to be done,

America’s Bucket List

America’s Bucket List

A recent survey found that 95% of Americans have a bucket list and over 66% of them say they plan to check an item of that list in the next year. Provision Living surveyed 2,000 Americans in January of 2019 to find out their most desired bucket list travel destinations both locally and abroad. The full analysis can be seen in the infographic below.

Life After the Recovery Process

Life After the Recovery Process

When adjusting after the recovery process, take the time needed to re-adapt and ask for help when needed. JC Recovery Center has developed the following infographic which provides tips for continuing life after a recovery program. Some include continuing therapy sessions and support group meetings, spending time learning a new skill or finding new social activities.

Digital Minimalism: How To Declutter Your Digital Life

Digital Minimalism: How To Declutter Your Digital Life

Here is an infographic from Ahfaz Ahmed on how to reduce digital noise from your life and live a more productive and stress-free life. The concept of minimalism has been around for years but as we now spend more of our time on digital devices, it’s important that we declutter the amount of digital noise we consume.

Negative Effects of JUUL Over Teen Usage

Negative Effects of JUUL Over Teen Usage

It’s often called a smoking alternative. Juul has taken over the young minds and nowadays millions of teens are vaping every day. And the most popular device is Juul. But what makes it so appealing to youngsters? And how popular is it exactly? The team at were curious about the effects of JUUL on teens, so they’ve asked 10,000 teenagers all across America why they love their JUULs and how often they use this little device.