Lifestyle Infographics

Crack Cocaine Addiction and Rehab

Crack Cocaine Addiction and Rehab

FindRehabCenters has developed the following infographic to help others understand crack cocaine addiction. Crack cocaine is a highly addictive and often fatal drug. People who use crack cocaine often end up addicted, however, rehabilitation can help anyone find recovery.

Cocaine Addiction and Rehab

Cocaine Addiction and Rehab

According to the Centers for Disease Control, CDC, from the year 2015 to 2016 cocaine-related overdose deaths rose by approximately 52%. The signs and symptoms associated with cocaine abuse are different for everyone. Rehabilitation for cocaine can help you overcome your addiction and start fresh.

Alcohol Addiction and Rehab

Alcohol Addiction and Rehab

According to the National Institute of Health, NIH more than 18 million people in the United States are afflicted with alcoholism. Alcoholism is a disease that treatment can help you overcome. Recovery from alcohol addiction is possible with countless rehabilitation services available.

The Definitive Guide To Classic Bavarian Costumes

The Definitive Guide To Classic Bavarian Costumes

After some confusion and scandals about certain Oktoberfest costumes, the team at Katoni decided to break down the classic attire into a visual guide. They go through every element of the costume for men and women so you can be confident when going to your local Oktoberfest.

Stages of Sleep and Sleep Cycles Explained

Stages of Sleep and Sleep Cycles Explained

Understanding the sleep cycle is often the first step to better sleep quality. When you know, what affects your sleep cycle, you can take measures to cut out distractions and get ample restful sleep every night. Also, to help you understand the various sleep stages and sleep cycles easily, the team at SleepSherpa have also created the following infographic.

How Augmented Reality Has Changed Selfies Forever

How Augmented Reality Has Changed Selfies Forever

From sparkly-eyed dog faces to bunny ears to testing a new look, augmented reality has changed the way we take selfies forever. Learn more about the future of augmented reality and selfies within this infographic from Frames Direct!

A History Lesson in Aussie Spirit

A History Lesson in Aussie Spirit

Australian history has always been a little bit of a mystery to international audiences. Despite Boomerangs, Kangaroos and Steve Irwin, the country from down under remains a bit of an enigma. In this infographic, the team at Optus reviews some of the biggest milestones in Australian history that have contributed to the Australian identity as we know it today.

A Survey of America’s Sleeping Patterns

A Survey of America’s Sleeping Patterns

The team at Sleepopolis took a deep look at the cities of the United States that just aren’t getting enough sleep. These top 100 cities have the highest percentage of residents who do not get the recommended seven hours per day of sleep at minimum, and the average time that they actually go to bed.

The Benefits of Using a Professional Wedding Photographer

The Benefits of Using a Professional Wedding Photographer

Using a professional to handle your wedding photography can provide many benefits. A professional photographer offers many skills including commitment, organization, and expertise. In this infographic, discover some of the benefits of hiring a professional wedding photographer.

13 Everyday Struggles of Gym Life

13 Everyday Struggles of Gym Life

As much as we love gym life, there are a few downsides to being fit and healthy. Obviously, you can’t wear your gym clothes to work and why would you want to? Having to change your outfit twice a day means the amount of washing we do doubles, which is not fun. But, it’s all worth it. The following infographic explores 13 everyday struggles of gym life.