Lifestyle Infographics

Preventing Falls This Winter

Preventing Falls This Winter

Winter can be a time for celebration but also caution for older adults. For those who are unsteady on their feet or lack confidence in their balance it can be quite scary. Falls in older adults can be very debilitating and this can lead to a fear of falling that prevents older adults from leaving their houses at this time of year. However the weather should not be a reason to stay indoors.

Bad Practices You Thought Were Good For You

Bad Practices You Thought Were Good For You

Back in the olden days, we were told that a lot of things were good for us, when they REALLY weren’t. Take a look at this infographic from Grey Haze that highlights products that were, at the time, supposed to help cure everything from coughs and colds to even cancer.

5 Benefits of Volunteering

5 Benefits of Volunteering

Did you know that volunteering is scientifically proven to make you happier? Whether you volunteer in your community, with animals or in nature, there are many benefits that come with the act of volunteerism. Check the following infographic for a look into the top 5 benefits of volunteering.

14 Unique Ideas to Spend Time With Family During Christmas

14 Unique Ideas to Spend Time With Family During Christmas

It is an established fact that spending quality time with your family will strengthen your bond and make you feel happy. Christmas and the holidays provide us with an excellent opportunity to spend time with our family. But how do you make sure that you are passing a quality time? The following infographic shows some of the most exciting ways to spend time with your family during Christmas.

Christmas Special – Evolution Of Santa Claus

Christmas Special – Evolution Of Santa Claus

Excited about the upcoming Christmas? Then, this year kick-start the fun while getting an impressive view of the evolution of adorable Santa Claus. Just get a glimpse of the accompanying infographic to know your favorite ‘father of Christmas’ astoundingly. It reveals every interesting fact of the whole episode of ‘How did Santa come into existence?’ in the keenest way ever.

How a Sense of Community Belonging Impacts the Brain

How a Sense of Community Belonging Impacts the Brain

A new study performed by AloRecovery suggests that the sense of belonging in a community sparks the desire to connect and congregate among most people included in the survey. In addition to that, pretty much since the dawn of time, communities help form the foundation for health relationships. Read more, about the most interesting finds of this amazing study in this infographic.

How to Win an Argument Every Time (According to Science)

How to Win an Argument Every Time (According to Science)

Winning an argument isn’t easy. Even if you have the best points, it can be difficult to get the edge if you lack experience debating. The human personality is a complex thing, and to win an argument means not just knowing your case but how to put it across. The following infographic is a thorough guide to winning an argument, whatever the scenario.

The State of Marriage Counseling

The State of Marriage Counseling

New data from MidAmerica Nazarene University sheds light on the taboo topic of marriage counseling and reveals some very promising statistics. They surveyed 1,000 Americans who are engaged, married or divorced, asking about everything from which partner usually initiates it to what misconceptions they have about why other couples go to counseling.

Cleaning Your Home in Less Than an Hour

Cleaning Your Home in Less Than an Hour

Sometimes you don't have enough time to clean your house thoroughly. You may work long hours and simply can't get around to household tasks that seem to keep piling up. In this infographic by Half Price, learn how to clean a house quickly. [Click image for full size...

A Gentleman’s Guide to Tweed

A Gentleman’s Guide to Tweed

Are you tempted by tweed, but don’t know your herringbone from your houndstooth? Then check out this gentleman’s guide to tweed, for everything you need to know about this versatile fabric.