Lifestyle Infographics
How to Instagram Your Wedding
Photo sharing site Instagram has become globally popular in recent times and many couples use it as a way of gathering a collection of wedding photos from guests through the use of a specified hashtag. It can add a fun element to your wedding day, although it may be a good idea to establish a few ground rules so that guests know what is and isn’t appreciated in terms of posting photos to Instagram.
Addition vs Habit: Recognizing the Dangers
Every wonder how a habit is formed? Just swallow a spoonful of Nutella. This is a popular hazelnut spread with an intense chocolate flavor. The instant that gooey goodness hits your taste buds, the brain goes on high alert. A blast of dopamine is released, and your body can literally feel tingly all over.
Mens Hats – The Complete Guide
Do flat caps suits a round face? What’s an inner tip? Telescopic or cattleman? Hat’s are a complex topic. They give a man style and distinction, but choose the wrong type and it can do more damage than good. To cure you’re confusion, Samuel Windsor has created this infographic as a definitive guide to help you choose your ideal hat.
Romantic Eye Contact
There are few indicators of romantic interest quite as reliable as the eyes. When we’re face to face with someone who sets our pulse racing, there’s no hiding the attraction. From dilated pupils to fluttering eyelashes to raised eyebrows, the signs are visible if you pay attention. This infographic will look at this in more detail.
Why People Lie & How To Tell When They Do
I hate liars! But why do people lie and what makes them do it? These are the questions disclosed in this informative infographic by Have a look at curious statistics and find more answers at the credits.
Life Before And After Bullying
The issues caused by bullying have always been a threat to the well-being of teenagers and children on both sides. Bullying impacts both the victim and the bully for years to come. In the following infographic, learn that the events leading up to a teen becoming a bully is just as important to understand as the issues caused afterwards.
Your Sexual Health Guide to Starting University
Freshers week in the United Kingdom is commencing very soon. As you ready yourselves to move to a new city you can look forward to the freedom that moving away from your parents can bring you. This infographic tells you all you need to know about staying safe under the sheets.
Then vs. Now: Planning a Non-Traditional Wedding
If you are planning a non-traditional wedding, you’re probably thinking about ways that you can make your wedding fit your (and your future spouse’s) personality, style, beliefs, and budget. Thankfully, there are plenty of fun, trendy, unique, and new ways that people are choosing to celebrate their marriage, and the examples highlighted in this infographic can serve as inspiration for your own nuptials.
Wedding Speeches 101
This infographic provide tips on how to write the perfect wedding speech, whether you’re one half of the marrying couple, the best man, maid of honour or father of the bride. The best wedding speeches are light-hearted but still heartfelt, an ideal mixture of good spirits and unmistakable affection towards the bride and groom.
How Did Our Ancestors Sleep?
The sleep pattern of our ancestors is very different from us. Besides being different, it is believed that they had better sleep quality than most of us in the modern era. Here’s an infographic describing their sleep behaviors and lifestyle.
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