Lifestyle Infographics
Long Distance Relationship Statistics in the US
One of the biggest factors which have been responsible for the increasing numbers of long distance relationships is the Internet. What more does it take to be in a long distance relationship? How many people are dating over a distance. Find more interesting facts and tips in this long distance relationship facts infographic.
17 Tips on How to Be Funny
Being funny and the ability to make people laugh is a most desirable trait. In this infographic, you will find 17 tips on how to be funny. These tips, if practiced, are sure to help you become a more humorous person.
Identity Theft Protection
Here is an infographic about identity theft, courtesy of No Identity Theft, including tips and tricks to help you protect your sensitive personal and financial data from cyber criminals and thieves.
Ditch the Tech and Spend More Time Outdoors
Thinking about ditching the technology and heading outdoors? Take a look at these shocking statistics about technology usage in an infographic created by Injinji.
Top 20 Indoor Hobbies to Try in 2016
By now, 2016 is well underway which, for many people, means that New Year’s resolutions have started fizzling out. However, if you’ve been wanting to master a new skill, you might be intrigued to learn that knitting and crocheting are considered the most popular hobbies of 2016.
Do You Need a Roommate?
Roommates have been often associated with student living and youth. Nowadays, with rising income inequality and housing prices, they are becoming a necessity for a large segment of the population. Here is an infographic which shows you how many roommates you would need to survive on an average salary in some of the World’s biggest cities.
10 Customers Every Server Will Recognize
Every server in the restaurant industry has seen and been through quite a bit. From interesting customers to coming home smelling like an onion, a restaurant server has experiences unlike the rest of us. Restaurant servers are also great people watchers. Since they deal with a variety of people everyday, they’ve been able to spot the trouble makers, the messy eaters and the annoying ones.
The BMI of the United States
The size of the average American is growing… growing so much in fact that it has become an epidemic. Recent initiatives and trends are slowing the increase but it simply isn’t enough. This infographic details the trends in BMI over time and how and where Americans are at the highest risk.
Senior Living in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is one of the most populous areas in the country, but did you know that there will be 867,000 more seniors in LA by 2036? With the influx of senior citizens, there will be a dramatic increase in the need for assisted living facilities. This infographic is chock full of facts and figures about the elderly population of Los Angeles, and what it could mean to the county in years to come.
Dating & Relationships in the United States of America
A survey by the Pew Internet & American Life Project found that dating in America is, indeed, affected by online matchmaking activity. Analyzing this, something was discovered: “Large numbers of single Americans are not actively looking for relationships and even significant numbers of those looking for partners are not that active on the dating scene.” How can this be changed?
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