Lifestyle Infographics
The Ultimate Guide to Sleep
Many of us struggle with getting quality sleep. Some find it hard to get to sleep while others wake up during the night. If this sounds like you then ‘The Ultimate Guide to Sleep’ from could offer some much needed suggestions.
11 Unusual Courtship Rituals From Around The World
“Love is our true destiny. We do not find the meaning of life by ourselves alone – we find it with another.” – Thomas Merton. To celebrate Valentine’s Day, here’s an infographic that features 11 unusual courtship rituals that show displays of affection far more than a box of chocolates and bunch of flowers ever would.
Valentine’s Day – Facts of Love
February 14th is celebrated all over the world as the day of love, exchanging chocolates, flowers and gifts with the loved ones. However, it’s not just about the romantic stuff, but also about the amazing facts associated with it that makes the day quite an interesting one. Here’s the most enjoyable and fascinating collection of Valentine’s Day statistics to absolutely amaze you.
Sticking with It – How to Keep Your Top New Year’s Resolutions
Here is a PhysicianOne Urgent Care infographic that offers some tips and suggestions on how to stick to your New Year’s Resolutions. It can be a challenge on how to execute your goals and stick to your health routines, so they’ve laid out a few for you.
Sticking With Your Keep Fit Resolution
A New Year is a great time for a new beginning, and for many that means a New Year’s resolution. For a lot of people that means promising yourself that you will get fit and burn off some of those Christmas calories. Yet New Year’s resolutions are notoriously hard to keep up.
What Do Beer and Wine Labels Say About You?
So you’re planning on showing up to a party and are stopping to pick up drinks. Don’t make the mistake of taking this decision lightly. The beer or wine label you choose to go with says a lot about your personality. Consider yourself informed and equipped to give the best first impression possible at your next party.
Men’s Guide to Perfect Pant Shirt Combination
Landing that big job of your dream is not the end of the struggle. It is just the beginning. Now that you have got the part, you have a lot of people to impress. Dressing up for the job assures the authority that you are a professional and appreciate the opportunity that you have been provided with. However, this can be an issue if you have never taken dressing up seriously before.
Trendy Hairstyles For Men in 2016
First impressions are important, and they start with your hairstyle. For men, it can be challenging to find the best hairstyle based on current fashion trends. Here is a guide developed by to help you choose from the trendiest hairstyles of 2016.
Sobering Game Day Stats: The Downside of Super Bowl Sunday
With all the excitement surrounding the Super Bowl, safety might be the last thing you want to think to about. As you roll out the fan gear, wings and beer for this year’s Super Bowl, cheer for your favorite team with these important drunk driving safety stats and tips in mind.
What You Should Not Pack in Moving Boxes
Professional moving companies like Suddath are happy to pack and load the contents of your home. However, there are some hazardous and perishable items that are illegal to move for safety reasons. This infographic below will give you a guide to what you cannot and should not pack during your upcoming move.
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