Lifestyle Infographics
A Critical Window for Change: The Developing Adolescent Brain
Adolescence is a period of dynamic brain development: this is the time when teens are truly learning how to think rationally, make practical decisions, and build a substantial skill set for the future. During the teenage years, the brain is especially malleable, making adolescence a window for opportunity as well as vulnerability. It is also the time in which most teens initiate drug and alcohol use. The folks at Turning Point hope that this infographic reaches parents who want to educate their children about the risks of drug use.
The History, Nature, and Science of Immortality
Humans have been chasing the preservation of youth for ages. What has science taught us since, and where do we currently stand in our search? To bring the facts and figures to life, here is a series of illustrations in a graphic novel style, imagining a short story of Ponce de Leon, who joins us on our quest in search of immortality.
Sleep Etiquette – What Guests & Hosts Expect From a Visit
No matter what anyone says, staying at someone’s house is always slightly awkward when it comes to the sleeping aspect of the whole thing. You’re never sure what time to go to bed, when to get up, what items to take with you or what’ll be provided. This infographic, created from recent poll data, shows what both guests and hosts expect from a visit, including the things that annoy them the most.
Goatee Styles for Men
A goatee is a popular style of facial hair on your chin that often accompanies a mustache. Not everyone can pull it off, but a goatee adds a lot of character to those who can. Feel like trying a new look? Find out in this infographic.
Do Ya Sound Like You’re From Yorkshire?
In this infographic by The New Media Company, learn some top tips to help you understand people from Yorkshire. It includes 45 of the top Yorkshire sayings.
Starting New: Supporting a Loved One in Recovery
This infographic aims to help you compassionately and effectively support your loved one when returning home from rehab since those first few months of recovery are the most difficult.
Ultimate Bucket List For Over 50s
It is said that our biggest regrets are about things we didn’t do. Save yourself from regrets and live through some new experiences. In this infographic you will what needs to be on the ultimate bucket list for those over 50s.
Style High Club: Where Fashion Meets the Skies
Airlines are having top fashion designers create their uniforms these days. In this infographic from the folks at, see some of the the designs and check out the sky styles.
The Rearranging of Americans’ Living Arrangements
American society is always changing, but it happens so gradually it is hard to notice. If you’re living in a multi-generational home, you aren’t alone. Take a look at how household living arrangements have shifted over the last 40 years and those changes become quite evident in this infographic.
What is a Beard Transplant?
Did you know that more and more people are undergoing beard transplants? Numbers have risen by 600% between 2004-2014, whilst the Daily Mail reported that men were paying up to $7,000 dollars for beard transplants in search of ‘instant hipsterfication’. But there’s more to beard transplants than you might think.
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