Lifestyle Infographics
8 Scientific Ways to Improve Your Marriage Today
A marriage can become stagnant and boring over the years. If you want to do something about it, try one of the tips in the infographic by Even the tiniest little action like saying ‘Thank you’ can make a difference in your marriage today.
The Primal Handshake
When it comes to making introductions in a professional setting, a handshake is the most common way to greet someone – particularly in Western culture. But like many types of human non-verbal communication, the handshake is a custom that is rooted some surprisingly primal origins. There have been some several scientific studies that shed light on not only how to do it right, but some possible evolutionary purposes for it
Your Guide to Individual Life Insurance
Some may think it is morbid to plan for your potential passing, but this preparation could be your family’s saving grace. Use this cheat sheet as a launching point to identify the life insurance plan that’s right for you and your family.
How Many Calories Do You Drink Every Day?
People are increasingly interested in the details of their nutrition and how many calories they are taking in each day, not only because of potential weight problems, but also because they know that proper nutrition plays a big role in maintaining a healthy organism. The following infographic lists some of the most popular beverages and the amount of calories per 12 oz, as well as the amount of calories per customary serving size of each drink.
Is Online Dating for You?
With the increase in online dating in recent years, this infographic created by Bespoke Diamonds details some of the stats as well as the options available.
Fascinating Homes That Actually Exist
We’ve all thought about our ‘Dream home’ but would you be so brave as to ‘live on the edge’ in a cliff house or build a home that’s ‘out of this world’ in the shape of a spaceship? The following infographic features the most outrageous homes in the world. From weird to wonderful and the downright wacky, here’s a rundown of the world’s most fascinating homes.
How Sleep Impacts Happiness
While most people are aware of the health benefits of getting a proper night’s sleep, being well-rested can also greatly improve other areas of one’s life. This has much to do with sleep’s impact on brain function, which factors into everything from personal interactions to manual tasks. To this end, the following infographic shows just how important sleep is to achieving true happiness with one’s life.
FSC vs Recycled Paper – The Benefits for Your Business
Processing recycled paper is more efficient than new paper starting at the forest, but the Forest Stewardship Council have established certification for environmentally conscious companies in the supply chain. Their stamp of approval means new paper is now sustainable, environmentally friendly and ethically manufactured. Could it be your paper of choice?
Age Watch – 37 Stats On Older People Revealed
Many Western countries are facing a ‘greying’ population, as both health standards and life expectancy rise. But what does that mean for older people today, and just how well do they live? Bluebird Care has developed a fascinating infographic on Age Watch – 37 Stats on Older People Revealed. It shows a comprehensive analysis from Ireland, the United Kingdom and United States, when it comes to health status, income security, transport standards, and so much more.
26 Creative Ways to Propose to Your Partner
Everybody wants their proposal story to be special and memorable. Even if that is not a big deal for you, it is for your partner. In this interesting infographic you will get all the help you need.
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