Lifestyle Infographics

Work, Life, and School Balance

In the following infographic, learn how you can create a happy medium between work life and personal life so you have ample time for your studies. By balancing your work, school, and life, you will be able to dig deeper into your studies without allocating more time for them.

Major League Hair: The Most Memorable Hairstyles in American Professional Sports

Precision, vigor, mastery, training, grace, strength, intensity, skill, conditioning, teamwork, sportsmanship, triumph, victory – these virtues define the spirit of sports. But let’s not forget the majestic hair! This infographic gives helmet hair and hat hair a brave new meaning – it pays homage to the legendary hairstyles of professional athletes across history.

Little-Known But Interesting Facts About Weddings

A lot of women dream to be wed someday but have you ever asked when and how it all begun? Wedding celebrations differ from one country to another and there are some facts about wedding that we don’t know yet. This infographic brought to you by provides interesting facts about weddings and can actually help you in wedding planning.

Working Towards the New American Dream

The American Dream no longer means the same thing for you and for your parents. What do you want achieve in your life? In this interesting infographic from Adecco you will find out what is the new American Dream.

How to Control Your Genes

Scientists are working hard to discover as much as possible about our genes. Did you know that we can actually do something to control it? In this interesting infographic you will discover what to do to successfully control our genes.

Accessorize Your Yoga Wear

Here is an all-inclusive guide to wearing yoga pants all day long. From choosing the right styles to dressing them up with accessories, this guide has it all. And it’s pretty to look at too.

20 Authors Who Wrote Under A Pseudonym

Many famous authors throughout history have written under a pseudonym. For matters personal, political or promotional – some of the greatest literary works have been written by an author with a secret. How many have you read? Discover a few of them in this infographic.

11 Ways That Parents Are More Powerful Than Superheroes

Parents are a special kind of superhero; they are equipped with love, tireless dedication, and an uncanny knack for their children’s well-being. This infographic is a silly, playful exploration of the 11 everyday superpowers that parents have compared to famous faces like Batman and Captain America.

Sleep Your Way To Success

Success…something we all want to achieve in the workplace. Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or are working your way up the ranks as an employee, one this is for certain, however, and that is that a lack of sleep can cause exceptionally low productivity levels. As such, have put together this infographic which looks at how you can sleep your way to success.

Selfie Culture Among Generations

Selfies are the raging trend and a study was recently conducted to find out which of the generations engage the most in taking selfies. The results of the study were quite predictable as they stated that the younger generation of today engages the most in taking...