Lifestyle Infographics

Top 10 Failed New Year’s Resolutions

62% of Americans make New Year’s Resolutions while most fail to reach to reach their goals. A recent study revealed that more than half of New Year’s resolutions don’t actually last longer than a month. Some of top reasons why people failed are unrealistic resolutions, not specific and a lack of action plan. The infographic introduces the top 10 failed New Year’s resolutions and how to beat the odds.

The Safety Dance: A Guide to Finding the Right Safe

Finding the right safe can be hard especially when it comes to choosing one that’s best suited to store your valuables, and/or cash. There are plenty of alternatives out there, so much to the point that it can be hard to even know what you are looking for. Fortunately, the following infographic has got you covered.

10 Morning Rituals of Successful Entrepreneurs

How do you start your day? Does it have any similarities to any of these successful entrepreneurs? No? That could be where you are going wrong. If you are the type who struggles to get out of bed in the morning, be motivated to get up earlier with this infographic.

Most Iconic T-Shirts of All Time

Who needs a scrapbook when you own a t-shirt collection? T-shirts provide people with a canvas to advertise, to memorialize, and to commemorate the causes and events that are important to them. This infographic looks at some of the most iconic t-shirts of all time.

French Immersion in Canada

Since the debut of the first French Immersion School in 1965, French Immersion education has been steadily growing across Canada. French immersion programs offer a variety of options to help your child succeed without the need for a French-speaking parent, and can ultimately guide your child to an accelerated and successful career. The following infographic looks at this in more detail.

8 Reasons Why Art Improves Your Thinking

Are you an arty person? If not then it might be time to pick up a pencil or paintbrush or head down to your local art gallery. This infographic from The Studio explains how art can improve your thinking and can even make you smarter.

Top 5 Wedding Photo Booth Props

If you’re looking for the right photo booth hire props for your wedding entertainment, all you need is the 5 items mentioned in the following infographic. A photo booth experience isn’t the same without these said items.

The Science Behind Happiness

Everybody wants to be and feel happy, but did you know that how happy you feel all starts with six tiny molecules found in your brain? From Oxytocin, the love molecule, to Adrenaline, the energy molecule, this infographic breaks down what exactly each of these molecules are and how they affect you and your state of happiness.

How Multilingual Is Your Country?

In recognition of the importance of language and to celebrate Mother Language day, SwiftKey conducted some research on the languages – and combinations of languages their users are typing in around the world. The ensuing infographic identifies the most and least multilingual countries worldwide (and a few other interesting factoids) as determined by how many citizens speak more than one (or two or three!) language.

Greetings From Around the World

Here is an infographic, created by Two Little Fleas, that shows how to greet someone in fifteen countries around the world.