Lifestyle Infographics
Planning the Ultimate Hen Party
Planning the best Hen Party is hard and requires super organization skills. Print off this handy infographic guide to help you plan the ultimate hen party.
The 16 Personality Types & Dating
Have you ever wondered how your Myers-Briggs® personality type connects you to certain characteristics and other personality types? With this infographic, you can easily identify who your ideal matches are, what your ideal first date would be and whether you are romantic, sexual or lovable.
Wedding By The Numbers
Congratulations! You have a shiny new ring on your finger and it’s time to start planning the wedding of your dreams. There are a lot of boxes to check off during the planning process—picking a date and venue is just the beginning. The average cost of a wedding is $28,000. That’s a lot of dough, so make sure you’re spending it wisely. Unexpected expenses always arise during the planning process.
The 10 Roommates You Should Avoid
If a roommate spectrum has to be built, then there will be few kinds who will lie on the good end of the spectrum. However, there are some kinds of roommates who lie in the opposite end of the spectrum: the bad side. These roommates are the ones which should be avoided at any cost. Grabhouse, after an extensive research, has been able to compile a list of 10 worst roommates.
What Vampires Can Teach Us About Dating
Bet you’d never guess that vampires and psychopaths can teach us how to get a girlfriend. That’s because in a recent study by Dating Metrics, these unlikely characters proved to have a few tricks up their sleeves for wooing the ladies that are definitely worth knowing about. 444 women were asked to vote for their TV fantasy boyfriend of choice and the results of the online poll are detailed in this vampire themed infographic below.
Doomed Celebrity Engagement Rings
If there’s one way that celebrities know how to prove how much they love their partner, and get some column inches at the same time, it’s with a super expensive engagement ring. The bigger the better. But sometimes the relationships just don’t last, which means that the ring is left gathering dust at the bottom of a drawer.
Roles of Younger and Older Generations in the Future of Social Change
Walden University’s 2014 Social Change Impact Report includes perspectives of more than 9,000 adults in Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Jordan, Mexico and the U.S. and examines people’s perceptions of the impact of their engagement in positive social change. This year’s survey found that younger adults are believed to have more passion about social change, but older adults provide younger adults with the knowledge essential for social change to occur.
Perspectives of Today’s Social Change Agents
Walden University’s 2014 Social Change Impact Report includes perspectives of more than 9,000 adults in Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, India, Jordan, Mexico and the U.S. and examines people’s perceptions of the impact of their engagement in positive social change. This year’s survey found that social change agents are confident their involvement is making a difference.
How Pornography Addiction Affects the Teenage Brain
Help Your Teen Now has put together the following infographic to help educate parents on how pornography addiction affects the teenage brain. The negative effects of pornography addiction is even greater in teens as their brains are more susceptible to the chemical overload effects that come with continued viewing.
How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain
When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But what happens when you are part of making the music? The activity of playing an instrument becomes more like a full-body brain workout! What’s going on? Anita Collins explains the fireworks that go off in musicians’ brains when they play and examines some of the long-term positive effects of this mental workout
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