Lifestyle Infographics

A Census of Our Lost Lifetimes

It is a sad reality that substance abuse can cut lives short. To better visualize just how much potential has been lost, 12 Keys Rehab compared the years lost to substance abuse to census data to see how those lifetimes could have played out if things were different.

What Do People Read on the Toilet

A recent survey shows 63% of people read books, magazines and newspapers while on the toilet. People spend an average of 30 minutes in the bathroom every day. Check out this this infographic and see what exactly everyone is reading and what health problems it might cause.

It’s Time for a Honeymoon

In a recent survey based on honeymoon I dos and I don’ts, lowcostholidays and Elite Island Resorts asked engaged couples to share their big honeymoon hopes, dreams and concerns. The survey revealed some surprising stats about the activities couples would want to get up to, as well as the biggest dreams and fears when booking their first holiday together as newlyweds.

Around The World In 80 Hats

All cultures of the world use the clothes they wear to define how they live, work, and respect their history. From the first world to the third world, hat styles especially have become important iconic markers of cultural dress. This infographic looks at 80 culturally significant hats from all corners of the earth, showing just how wonderfully diverse and interesting humanity can be.

Alabama Addiction Stats

What are the addiction statistics for the State of Alabama? In this infographic from Addiction Blog, you’ll find information on used drugs, people in addiction treatment, percentages of alcohol and cigarettes abuse, substance abuse by gender, causes of ER visits and more.

You Are What You Drive

Do you agree that “You Are What You Drive”? The folks at Motoqlik interviewed scores of drivers and put the results together in this infographic.

Creating a Will In Ireland

This infographic provides a very helpful informative guide on how to go about getting a will drawn up in Ireland today. You will learn some interesting background on the current attitude to wills in Ireland, you will learn about what a will actually is and the different types available, the reasons why it is so important and crucially it shows where to start in your quest for creating a will in Ireland today.

Hula Your Way to Hawaii

Ever wanted to know how to Hula? Check out the following infographic from My Holiday Centre and you will be dancing your way to Hawaii in no time!

Must Have Women’s Eyewear Trends for High Summer 2014

One of the things that can be a little tricky about selecting spectacles is the amount of choices for different frames and features. In this infographic, Supersavers Opticians takes your through the always-in-fashion aviator style right through to the color blocking trend.

The Watches of James Bond

James Bond has acted as an influential men`s style icon more than any other fictional character, putting large, luxury sport watches on the map as sexy, suave, and manly. Discover the Watches of James Bond in this infographic.