Lifestyle Infographics

Demystifying Thanksgiving

When did the first Thanksgiving take place? How many miles do Americans travel to visit their families during Thanksgiving weekend? What is the heaviest turkey on record in the world weight? If these are questions you have been asking yourself every time Thanksgiving holiday takes place, then you’ll want to explore the following infographic entitled, “Demystifying Thanksgiving.”

Christmas Celebrations In Africa

Travel House UK has put together this perfect guide for you to discover what happens in Africa at Christmas Eve, including the celebrations that take place and how it feels to be in Africa at Christmas.

The 8 Most Likely People To Meet in a House Share

So you’ve finally moved in to your new house share (what we here in the United States would refer to as “having roommates”) – you’ve signed on the dotted line, unpacked your bags and have even pinned up your favorite holiday snap. NOW you can relax. Except there’s one little thing… what will your new housemates be like? Will you get on like a house on fire or will there be room for improvement?

Sleeping with Technology in the Bedroom

This infographic looks at how people sleep and, more specifically, what can get in the way of a good nights’ sleep. Did you know that a third of us only sleep for 5-6 hours a night, 70% of us now have TVs in our bedrooms and nearly 80% of us lay in bed surfing the web on our mobiles before we sleep? Keep reading to see what other modern technology affects our sleeping patterns and habits.

What People Think I Do: Stay At Home Moms

What People Think I Do: Stay At Home Moms

We’ve all seen the webcomic illustrating what people think stay at home moms do, and what they really do, but society’s perception of a stay at home mom remains very negative-from sleeping in and staying in PJ’s all day to gallivanting around with friends for shopping sprees. Family Cord has put together a great infographic detailing what a stay at home mom really does, and how much she’s worth.

Thanksgiving: An Infographic

Think you know a lot about the upcoming holiday, Thanksgiving? has some information that might have you second-guessing your turkey-day knowledge. In their newest infographic, explore the fun-facts that make Thanksgiving one of the best holidays of the year. It touches on little known information about cranberries, turkeys, pies, and just about everything that has to do with the upcoming feast.

Eye-Opening Statistics About Men and Sex

Attention all women! Ever wonder what men are really thinking? While most women believe they’ve got men pegged down to a T (anything involving beer, buffalo wings and breasts generally spring to mind), it’s about time we delve a little bit deeper. What really goes on behind the inner workings of the male mind? Do we even want to know?

How Do You Sleep?

We all sleep. Most enjoy it, but not everyone gets the recommended daily amount. This can be due to a variety of factors, some of which are out of our control. The foetal sleeping position is the most common, but do you or your partner sleep in another position? Have you ever had a proper think about the way you sleep? You may just amaze yourself at your sleeping habits.

Why Gen Y Yuppies Are Unhappy

Gen Y Yuppies are not very happy these days. Why is that so? Check out the infographic below presented by Best Psychology Degrees to learn the reasons why Gen Y Yuppies are less than happy folks.