Lifestyle Infographics

Connecting in the Bathroom

Connecting in the Bathroom

Victoria Plumb realize how important “connecting in the bathroom” is to people. Texting, using the internet or even taking business calls when in the bath or on the toilet has now become a part of our daily routine. So much so, they wanted to share with you some amazing facts and stats all about bathroom habits when it comes to staying connected.

A Bra Guide: How To Support Your Breasts

Bras come in all shapes and sizes, finding the right one for you may be easier than you think. This infographic will talk you through the different styles that will give you guidance on what style suits you best at that moment in time.

America’s Best & Worst Place To Live

What makes a city a great place to live in? Is it the job security or low cost of living? What about having a declining crime rate in your neighborhood, or even a social scene that’s up to par? If you’re a renter, finding a location with affordable monthly payments is undoubtedly another big factor to consider in your decision.

Wigs Through History

Wigs have been an important part of personal adornment through the centuries where they have been worn to signify wealth and power as well as just fashion items. People have even worn wigs for very practical reasons as far back as Egyptian times for such things as cleanliness and hygiene and to protect the head against the elements. Join us now as we journey through time on the fascinating trail of wigs.

Which Jobs Lead to Substance Abuse?

Drug abuse can cause irreparable harm on one’s body, a well-known fact supported by thorough research. What often goes overlooked is how drug addiction can impact one’s ability in the workplace, in addition to how it can negatively impact their co-workers. Learn more about which jobs are most likley to lead to substance abuse in this infographic.

Celebrity Relationships: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Celebrity Relationships: The Good, the Bad & the Ugly

Celebrity relationships are many times unlike the relationships of “normal” folks and often the subject of interest and news. Gateway Homes UK takes a look at the Good, Bad and the Ugly of star pairings including the wealthiest couples, the shortest marriages and the rockiest relationships. We’ll even let you have a guess at who serial-dumper Taylor Swift will date next.

What Your Christmas Lights Say About You

What Your Christmas Lights Say About You

I know what you’re saying… “Christmas? Already?” And yet it will be upon us before we know it. If you ever wondered why you’d choose a specific Christmas light color, here is the answer. Based on the Psychology of Color,, reveals the true meaning of the Christmas lights colors you are choosing this year for your decorative palette.

Social Work and the Ideals of Social Justice

This infographic talks about the need for social justices in certain social circles and communities. Fortunately, social workers are responsible for alleviating some of the problems that people may struggle to face on a daily basis. Healthcare, clothing, food, and education are merely a few examples of the many rights social workers believe all communities should have equal opportunities at obtaining.

The Science of Habit: Popular Habits vs. Popular Addictions

Habits can be great. They can motivate us to keep up with a gym routine, allow us to employ a new personal hygiene regimen, or keep us on track with our work assignments. In many ways habits are actually necessary in our lives and provide our days with a fluid rhythm. Unfortunately, human nature can also cause us to develop negative habits. This infographic looks at popular habits vs popular addictions.

50 Things a Geek Should Know

50 Things a Geek Should Know

Today, thick glasses and white complexion don’t make a geek. But wisdom does. So check the following infographic and discover how many geek facts you know for real.

David Wallace

David Wallace is a search & social media marketer who lives in Ahwatukee Arizona with his lovely wife. Interests & hobbies include all things Disney, roller coasters, musicianship and Christianity.