Lifestyle Infographics

The Curse of the Child Star: Celebrity Drug Addiction

You’ve probably heard of the “curse of the child star” – it is a well-publicized phenomenon, the dark cloud of poor decision-making, drug addiction, and sometimes even death that follows childhood celebrities on their journey to adulthood. A staggering number of young celebs face this shadow of misfortune, and we hear of more and more cases every year.

How Are The Joneses Improving Their Home?

Looking for ideas for home improvements? Wondering what the neighbors have done to improve their home? This infographic shows what kind of work is going on.

What Does Your Handwriting Say About You?

Did you know that how you write can indicate more than 5,000 personality traits? The size of your letters, spacing between words, shapes of letters and more can all signify different characteristics. Handwriting analysis (also known as graphology) can even be used for detecting lies and revealing possible health ailments.

How to Optimize Your College Sleep Cycle

How to Optimize Your College Sleep Cycle

College students aren’t exactly known for their healthy sleeping habits, with as many as 70% of all students reporting that they get fewer than the recommended eight hours of sleep each night. But unfortunately, these ongoing sleep deficits can lead to major problems in the classroom resulting from diminished attentiveness and concentration.

Celebrate Good Times! A Glimpse into Graduation Party Trends

Celebratory events have sure come a long way from pencil-and-gum party favors. These days, $578 is the average amount spent on graduation parties. 24 % of party planners hire a caterer and 17 % purchase food from a restaurant. 29 % will host their celebration at either a party room, park, rental hall or another unique venue. An estimated 6 million US students are expected to graduate from high school, alone, in 2013.

Wedding Hair Styles

It’s the first day of December and only a stone’s throw from the holidays. Here is an infographic on hair styles which is divided into four categories: childhood updates, classics, short hair, and vintage or retro-hair styles.

Relationship Facts Revealed: Men vs. Women

It’s not a secret that the two genders have their differences. In this infographic, be2 matchmaker has put together some of the most interesting relationship facts that can shed some light on the truth in gender stereotypes.

Father’s Day in the UK

Upon learning that on average, the UK spends about 50% less on Father’s Day than Mother’s Day, Red Letter Days investigated just how much Father’s Day means to the UK. Stats also show that Americans are much more generous, spending more on their fathers and mothers than the Brits. Take a look at this infographic and discover some Father’s Day stats which might make you want to re-think your Father’s Day gift this year.

Society Created Alcoholic

Driving under the influence is a serious offense, but is a consequence like court-ordered Alcoholics Anonymous warranted? The following infographic from Saint Jude Retreats explores that and more as it takes you down the path of drinking and driving.

The Evolution of the American Family

This infographic by California Cryobank shows how the traditional nuclear family has gradually transformed. From same-sex couples and Choice Moms, to conception via assisted reproduction, and adoption, the composition of the American family has become richer and more complex, but one constant remains — love.