Lifestyle Infographics
Get The Gatsby Look
Now that “The Great Gatsby” has been released, a craze for everything 1920’s is sweeping the country. So whether you want to mix up a Prohibition cocktail, allow 20’s opulence into your wardrobe, or be prepared if you’re ever Edisoned (20’s slang for being asked a lot of questions) on the “IT” cars of the era, this infographic from Debenhams, UK is for you.
A Woman’s Paradox: Unique Challenges Facing Women
Despite progress toward “having it all,” research shows that American women are less satisfied and burn out more quickly. And today’s economic realities mean fewer options when it comes to choosing between work and home. The following infographic from Great Business Schools looks at a “woman’s paradox” of today.
Top 10 Celebrity Addicts
UK Drug & Alcohol addiction experts UK Rehab have opened the lid on celebrity rehabilitation and show us who the top 10 celebrity addicts are including some of Hollywood’s biggest names.
Evening Etiquette: A Gentlemans Guide
The definition of a Gentleman has evolved over the years and continues to evolve in faster in the digital age. Centuries ago it was used to refer to a man of good birth, yet it quickly changed to a description of any man who posses a certain level of refinement and intelligence. To help the modern man become the modern gentleman, the restaurant and live music venue Boisdale have created an iconographic on mens etiquette.
The Confident Mum
This infographic celebrates the launch of the Five Million Mums Campaign. The new survey of 1,132 Mums across the UK and Ireland reveals that while all Mums know the importance of healthy meals, and most can cook a meal from scratch using fresh ingredients, 1 in 3 have replaced the amount of fresh vegetables and fruit they buy with unhealthy, “cheap”, processed foods in order to combat rising food prices.
All About Mother’s Day
Did you know that Mother’s Day has been around for almost a hundred years? The holiday was originally founded by Anna Jarvis and signed as a joint resolution by President Woodrow Wilson on on May 8th, 1914, designating the second Sunday in May to be a honorary day for mothers. Learn all about this holiday in the following infographic.
The Ultimate Wedding Cost Checklist
Everyone loves a wedding, but planning it can be more of a nightmare than anything else. To make sure you have sensible control of your money, read through this wedding cost checklist. It just might help you avoid a financial headache on your big day.
Who Are America’s Working Poor & Uninsured?
Who are America’s working poor? Check out the infographic below presented by InsuranceQuotes to learn about who they are, how they ended up in their current situation and if Obamacare will help to alleviate their financial woes.
One Drink Too Many: Is It a Result of Nature or Nurture?
This infographic was created to raise awareness to the disease of alcoholism. Alcoholism has a negative stigma attached to it, when in reality almost anyone is at risk of becoming an alcoholic. In order to better understand this disease they’ve split alcoholism into two categories: hereditary alcoholism vs environmental alcoholism. The ultimate goal of this infographic is to educate the public and give people suffering from this disease the courage to ask for help.
7 Celebrity Proposals
Swooning over celebrity engagements is par for the course, but creative engagements always capture the imagination and remain memorable. and presents an infographic on 7 Celebrity Proposals which we think were executed perfectly.
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