Lifestyle Infographics
The Road to The Wedding
If you are thinking about getting married or would just like to know what the road to wedding looks like, this infographic will definitely come to the rescue. It takes a look at different factors when it comes to making your way through dating scene into wedding. For example – Did you know that you are twice likely to find a date through friends and family than at a bar? What about the fact that 63% of married couples met through friends?
Monolingual VS Bilingual
Is it better to speak one language or two – or even several? Find out where you stand in the following infographic from Technovate Translations. Bilinguals lead the way in international business, creativity, problem-solving, and in some cases even health. But monolinguals do have that larger vocabulary and faster retrieval, which can give them the advantage in a time crunch.
It’s Okay to Be Different
To celebrate Storypanda’s iPad release of the popular kids book, It’s Okay to Be Different by Todd Parr, they have created an infographic all about celebrating differences. The book and infographic are great tools for teaching kids to be proud of their own differences as well as accepting of the differences of others.
The Evolution of Yoga
Curious about how the practice we now refer to as “hata yoga” came about? In fact, the history of yoga as a spiritual practice stems back more than 15,000 years! To learn more about these initial practitioners – as well as how their experiences came to be codified into the practice of yoga – take a look at the following infographic courtesy of Ishausa.
10 Most Expensive Weddings
From football players to film stars, celebrity weddings are usually extravagant affairs. With impressive guest lists to opulent venues, the mega-rich know how to celebrate. This infographic lists the ten most expensive weddings.
Event Jewelry: Bright Days Sultry Nights
Mae West, iconic siren of the 1920s, once said “I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number of carats in a diamond.” Whether you chase diamonds like Mae or gravitate towards simple, elegant pieces, the ability to choose the right jewelry for the right occasion can be yours. Learn more in the following infographic.
How Do You Stack Up to a Hoarder?
Hoarding is a mental illness that affects many people. Hoarders obsess over their stuff and are compelled to collect more, resulting in a hoarder house. Many hoarders turn to storage units at storage facilities to store even more items. looks at hoarding in this infographic entitled, “How Do You Stack Up to a Hoarder?”
Why Are We Afraid Of The Dark
Are you afraid of the dark, or do you know someone who is? The truth is, many human beings are afraid of the dark. did research on this subject and came up with some surprising statistics regarding how many people suffer from this fear. Also, they explore the question of whether or not a fear of the dark is perhaps justified.
The 9 Types of Crazy Wedding Goers
Your crazy Aunt Mildred, your man’s party-loving college roommate, and the overzealous wedding photographer – just a few of the types of wedding goers you can expect at your wedding. Explore 9 crazy wedding goers in the infographic below.
The Dangers of Texting While Driving
This infographic from BGS shows the dangers there are with texting and driving. Texting while driving has become more dangerous than drinking and driving yet not one is talking about how much more deadly texting while driving is. Hopefully this infographic will help to raise awareness of this important issue and get people to think twice about texting the next time they are behind the wheel.
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