Marketing Infographics

The Forgotten Impact of Billboard Marketing

Billboard marketing has been a staple of the advertising industry for some time now. With so much focus on online and television marketing, these days some businesses may disregard the influence of billboards. Is it time to return to our roots? This infographic from Signarama explores this issue.

SEO Audit Checklist

This SEO audit provides a clear checklist of the critical issues that you should be analyzing if you’ve experienced a dramatic drop in search traffic or if you plan on migrating your website or online store to a new platform.

Why SEO Matters

Most businesses are well aware of the importance of SEO and what it can do to improve their sales and overall revenue on an annual basis. However, as to exactly why it is so important from a statistical perspective is something many people are most likely unaware of. This infographic breaks down why SEO is so important and what the major factors influencing your SEO rankings are.

5 Web Design Blunders and Ways To Remedy

Many publishers tend to be hesitant when adding display advertising to their website. Are you a publisher nervous about hurting your user’s experience when placing ads on your page but want to make money? The good news is, you can have a clean and user-friendly site while making money on clutter-free display advertising. sovrn Holdings has created this simple infographic to show publishers that they can make money but avoid hurting their user experience.

The Anatomy of a Perfect Checkout Page

Every part of e-commerce site is very important, but having excellent checkout page is vital. This page has a big impact on whether the customer actually buy something in the shop. In this infographic you will learn everything you need to know about creating perfect checkout page.

The Evolution Of Mobile Advertising

Mobile ads have changed from simple banner ads in the beginning to native and video ads today. Learn more about the evolution of mobile advertising from this StartApp infographic.

Email Engagement vs Social Media

Email Engagement vs Social Media

Devesh Design looked into stats complied by reliable sources like McKinsey & Company and Word Stream, to compare engagement between email marketing and social media. It turns out email absolutely dominates Twitter and Facebook. Explore this idea further in the following infographic.

How to Repurpose Your Content Correctly

How to Repurpose Your Content Correctly

In the following infographic, discover why you should re-purpose content, why Twitter should be main a focus, and learn 6 easy ways to re-purpose content and 4 tools you can use. Get started on awesome content re-purposing right away with this aid.

Make Responsive Emails

It’s a lot easier to make a responsive web than a fully responsive newsletter. Why? Email messages are built on tables and that makes the difference. While most of the common browsers support web responsiveness, email providers don’t work the same way. Take a look at infographic and learn how to design emails that will look stunning on every screen.

The 10 Minute AdWords Management Workout

You’re a busy person, so AdWords management may be one of the last things on your mind. But whatever your goals, this AdWords management workout will have you in and out of your AdWords account in 10 minutes or less. Get ready to improve performance and save more time for your other activities.