Marketing Infographics

In-House Marketing Professionals Vs Marketing Firms

Determining to hire in-house or outsource to an agency is a decision many companies struggle with. Essentially it comes down to weighing the pros and cons and determining your long-term goals. This infographic explores this in more detail.

The Evolution of Infographics

The history of data and information visualization is both rich and fascinating. We have been trying to pass on our stories in a visual form since the first cave people learned how to draw on the walls of their humble homes. Learn more about the evolution of infographics in this infographic.

How to Create a Killer Logo

The following infographic offers an insight into what colors companies use most for logos and their meanings as well as looks at the logo evolution of famous brands. In addition, this graphic provides top tips from the experts on logo design.

Anatomy of a Tradeshow Booth

Tradeshows provide companies the opportunity to promote their business and attract new clients. To successfully achieve these two goals you must know how to craft the ideal tradeshow booth. Hundreds of companies occupy the tradeshow floor; you must learn how to stand out. Use the following infographic to understand each component of an ideal tradeshow booth and get a better understanding of the anatomy of a successful booth.

Wishes of Ad Agencies in 2015

Have you ever wondered what concerns most of the people who work in the creative business? With what kind of things they have to struggle? Do the CEOs, Art Directors, Producers and Account Managers have any special wishes or dreams waiting to be fulfilled?

8 Proven Ways Autoresponders Make Email Marketing More Effective

Making autoresponders a part of your online communication strategy saves a huge amount of time and lets you better adapt your content to specific subscribers. Like the name says, autoresponders are sent automatically, usually in response to subscriber actions. Depending on the kind of business, content and target market, autoresponders can help in different ways. This infographic shows some of the many possibilities.

Photo Marketing to Enhance Your Brand

This infographic examines how people react to photos compared to information without attached photos. It also shows how visuals, especially photography can be used to enhance brand awareness for companies.

Elements of Effective SEO Strategy in 2015

Search engine optimization is a constant changing landscape- much to the frustration (or thrill!) of SEO companies and inbound marketers alike! Moving through 2015, there are 5 main topics or areas which you should be paid attention to- some old, some new. This infographic looks at these in more detail.

See What Email Marketing Can Do For You

Email is everywhere! We use it at work, we use it to communicate with friends and we use it send commercial messages. Even if you use email marketing on a daily basis, you should remember that if you’re not moving forward you are moving back. You should always look for new ways to improve your email marketing strategy.

How to Be a Super Hero at Your Next Industry Trade Show

This infographic illustrates the best promotional items to giveaway at a trade show, with statistics showing which items people prefer to receive, which are most popular, and how many people remember your brand after the trade show.