Marketing Infographics
The Marketing Super Bowl
A football team and marketing team have more in common than you might think. This infographic presented takes a look at how the Super Bowl team mates relate to different marketing strategies.
Your Social Media Roots
Using the metaphor that “your business is like a tree,” then one must consider that it is only as sturdy as its roots. Businesses can’t branch out until they know how strong their foundation is, especially when your tree is built upon social media – an ever changing and increasingly important element in today’s marketing.
Super Bowl Ads of 2013
While the action on the field captures the hearts and minds of many, the advertising battle played out on TV during timeouts is just as fun for millions of Americans. NerdWallet has created an infographic for you to catch up to speed on the best and most buzzworthy of Super Bowl XLVII, from an ad lineup detailing when your favorite ads will run to a list of the starring celebrities appearing in the ads themselves.
Making Good Infographics: Planning, Teams, Data and Designers
Good infographics do not come easily. In fact, I see more “bad” infographics come across my desk everyday than good ones. It takes careful planning, a tightly knit team or professionals, great data and superb designers to pull off an infographic that will attract eyeballs time and time again. So here is an infographic on making good infographics.
How to Create Your First Infographic
Who doesn’t love a good infographic? Ever try to create one on your own? Unless you’re a Photoshop ninja, it can be a daunting process. This infographic from presents a simple 3-step guide to creating your first infographic – perfect for first-timers whether they have a huge budget or no budget at all.
What is Digital Marketing?
This infographic looks at digital marketing, examining the online assets you can use to connect with your customers, including web sites, SEO, content creation and more.
Google+: What’s In It for Business
Google+ is more than just Google’s answer to Facebook. It’s no longer the “ghost town” many have perceived it to be, with over 500 million users. Plus, there are a myriad of benefits of Google+ for business. Check out this infographic to learn 7 benefits your business could be reaping from Google+.
Design for Impact: Anatomy of a Webpage
This infographic has been lovingly crafted by the team at Graphitas to share our accumulated knowledge and experience of how the positioning of elements on a webpage affect their impact. It is packed with pro-tips and a simple narrative to aid web designers in the creation of websites that POP.
5 Reasons Why You Should Attend a Trade Show
Trade shows – aka “trade fairs” and “expos” – are an extremely lucrative and cost-effective way to promote brands, showcase new ideas and examine rising market trends. A 2011 study showed that trade shows in the US account for more than $33.7 billion in direct spending alone. Trade show involvement offers a multitude of promotional benefits and segues into the marketing world. Signworld Display Wholesale examines five of them.
Are Superbowl Ads Really Worth It?
Everything seems to be going up these days. Superbowl ads are no exception. With a 30 second commercial spot during the 2013 Superbowl going for over $4 million dollars, one has to ask themselves is it really worth it? Yes for some while no for others. This infographic takes a looks at the winners and loser.
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