Offbeat Infographics
The Scale of Fictional Buildings
Have you ever wondered, “How tall is the wall in Game of Thrones?” Have you ever considered comparing Orthanc to Barad-dûr? How about some of the ridiculous monuments of sci-fi and action movies and games, like the towering Citadel from Half Life 2 or the pyramid of the Tyrell Corporation from Blade Runner? In this infographic, see sci-fi skyscrapers, fantasy towers, comic-book monoliths, massive monuments of fiction, and real buildings all on the same scale.
The Future Of London’s Skyline
Over the next few years, London’s skyline will change dramatically, so the team at Rubberbond thought they’d take a look at some of the new buildings that are about to pop up in the nation’s capital as well as showing you where exactly they’ll be developed and outline some of the concerns made by locals who are keen to keep the skyline as it is.
10 Stunning Festival Makeup Looks
As exciting as they can be, music festivals can really leave one worn out and disheveled. If you want to look stunning regardless of the heat, crowds, and everything else that comes with these events, this infographic by RY is full of style and brand recommendations for your next festival.
Fundamentals of EHR User Experience
Certainly, there are many different EHR systems available, making it difficult to select the best one for your chiropractic practice. But whether you’re purchasing an EHR for the first time or you currently have an EHR and you’re looking to update it or switch to a newer, better system, there are four elements you’ll want to consider before making your final buying decision.
All You Need to Know About Fidget Spinners
Here is a short guide to all things about fidget spinners that includes fidget spinner statistics, different types, styles and designs of fidget spinners, the best materials for fidget spinners, the anatomy of fidget spinner, who invented the fidget spinner, and more.
Teen Prescription Drug Use Problem
While it’s not talked about as much as some drug problems, teen usage of prescription drugs is a problem in the United States – one that parents need to understand very clearly. Knowing the facts and statistics can better equip you to talk to your teen about the harms behind prescription drug use. Learn more about the teen prescription drug problem in this infographic.
The Super Skin of Superheroes
The team at pulled 86 of the most powerful characters from Marvel, DC, Image Comics, and more, and compared their similar skin-related superpowers, from elasticity to anti-aging to invulnerability. These comic book superheros have some amazing skin powers to help them fight bad guys (and sure do look good while they’re doing it).
What Type of Vacuum You Need?
There is no home without a vacuum cleaner. Every homeowner at least once in his life faces a question: what kind of vacuum cleaner need to buy? The infographic from Best4YourHome will help to choose the best vacuum cleaner for your home. You just need to know your cleaning needs.
Win Cash Playing Casino Games From Your Android Device
Do you enjoy playing online casino games using your mobile device? Playing slot machines have been a longtime favorite pastime of those who enjoy casino gaming. While slot machines are quite enjoyable for many and can offer a winning outcome, other casino games provide greater odds of winning real money or Bitcoin. For example, Spanish 21, a variation of the game Black Jack, provides players with higher odds of winning.
10 Slot Machine Secret Tips You Never Knew
Though slot machines are largely about luck, that doesn’t mean that you can’t employ some strategies in order to improve your odds. This infographic from shows the best secret tips and strategies for real money slots that you can use to get the most out of your slots play.
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