Offbeat Infographics
Feel the Power: Shocking Facts About Electricity Usage in the United States
As one of the leading producers and consumers of electricity in the world, the USA has – out of necessity – gotten creative with the ways it generates power. From geothermal plants in Alaska, to Iowa, the leading ethanol producer in the country, to the humble wind-factory of Nebraska, the US is awash in both traditional and environmentally friendly methods of electricity generation.
Where in the World (of Movies) Should You Work?
No matter how much you love your job you will, at some point, have daydreamed about moving jobs. But, since you are daydreaming anyway, why limit yourself to jobs in the real world? Haven’t you ever wondered what it would be like to work for companies you’ve seen on the silver screen? Of course you have!
Online Pokies and Gambling in Australia
Online pokies and gambling in Australia has managed to surprise a lot of people except, perhaps, for the Australians themselves. Around eighty percent of Australians gamble in some way, shape, or form. However, there are some forms of gambling that are more popular than others, even in a culture where gambling is most definitely the norm.
Pipe Marking 101
Pipe marking is required in most industrial facilities. The standards are set by ANSI and ASME. This infographic from Creative Safety Supply covers the basics of pipe marking, focusing on the colors, size and locations of labels.
The Ultimate Guide to Catching the Bouquet Like a Lady
Have you ever fantasized about catching the bouquet toss at a wedding? This playful, humorous guide can help you out! It lays out different strategies that can help you claim the prize.
E-Liquid Should You Make the Switch
This infographic looks at the health implications associated with long term smoking and provides further information on e-cigarettes and why smokers should look at making the switch. Traditional cigarettes are made from a number of toxic chemicals and are associated with a high number of deaths each year.
What You Absolutely Cannot Mail to Australia
This infographic deals with do’s and dont’s while sending a parcel to Australia.It is a guide to understand the facts about Australia while sending a parcel.
The A,B,Cs and 1,2,3s of Fall Protection
This infographic is a good primer for what kind of equipment you should use for fall protection and some basics on rigging for personal arrest systems. It shouldn’t be considered a complete instruction, but a good starting place to understand what you’ll need to protect yourself in hazardous situations.
GHS What’s Next?
GHS (Globally Harmonized System) is an internationally accepted method of identifying chemicals for storage and transport. This infographic shows the timeline of implementation for GHS in the US. This system affects every business that uses chemicals.
Crafting the Ultimate Wedding Invitation
Wedding invitations are responsible for setting the tone of your wedding, which is why it is important to consider choosing your own custom design that matches your wedding theme and colors. When it comes to modern wedding invitation design trends, there are a few styles that are increasingly popular, as shown in the infographic below. These designs include watercolor, illustrations, foiling and more.
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